zondag 23 november 2014


daily update

Slowly but gently we slide into a war. “A war we cannot loose. Inferior forces. A matter of weeks, maybe three months. Home with Christmas.”

That's what the German footsoldier thought, when he crossed the Rusian border on his way to Moscow. (operation Barbarossa, 1941).

With this same mindframe the Allied Forces (Arab and Nato) are operating against IS(IS). Youth from all over the world are gathering in the Middle-East, to play the ultimate computer-wargame. They never loose, even in death.

Yes, talking about. In there media-campaign IS(IS) released a video-tape of the beheading of about 20 soldiers. The executioners where extatic before performing their tasks and thanked the one and only God, who made this human sacrifice possible. In the same barn, in the same time; about 20 muslims are praying to the same God to save their lives, spiritually.

Something is very wrong here. If you know your history, you'll remember the wars, the martyrs and the devotion, with which Protestants fought the Catholics, all over Europe. In my native country even for 80 years. Also in the name of a One True God.

The Battle at Armageddon, that is enfolding now, is fought, at the moment, between 2 Islamic factions. The cruelties of IS are used as bait. The moment IS created the “Caliphate”, the balance of power changed. The creation of the first real “terrorist state” had yet to be stopped.

But what if Al-Qaida, and all of his branches, merges with IS(IS), local militia and the official armed forces, to form “the Army of the Mahdi” and strike on the infidels.

Israël first. The necessary weaponry is delivered at the moment.

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