zondag 25 november 2012


It's all a matter of inter-connectedness. I don't mean global or on the level of the EU, the British Empire or the USA. These are concepts and used to manipulate and control you. I don't mean democracy or collectivism. These “slogans” are used to make you act in a predictable way. Government literally means “governe mente”, to “rule” over the way you think, feel and act. I don't mean inter-connectedness with nature. We have definitively decided to cut all the roots with the reality around us. We are polluting the earth, the sky, the rivers and oceans; with devastating effect on the eco-system. Experimental introduction of the nile-perch into Lake Victoria resulted in the destruction of a complete eco-system or introducing, for fun, foxes on Tasmania. No, I don't mean those kind of connections. Why, because they hardly exist anymore. The areas, where you can connect with nature are shrinking and destroyed. Deforestation, growing desserts, urbanization, infrastructure, digging for gold, diamonds, minerals, oil or salt; all these, economically “necessary” activities eat away our natural world and replace it by plastic. The plastic, we so conveniently dispose of, is killing birds, fish and sea-mammals, because they mistake it for food. In the end they literally burst open and expose the waste we produce. Even where I live, the numbers of sea-birds is dwindling and the seals, because they are the end of a local food-chain, will be affected soon. Do we connect with our pats? I don't think so. Pats are bought easily and disposed of easily. Turtles and exotic fish are flushed through the toilet. Some survive, which leads to articles in local newspapers about turtles in a pond and piranha's in the river.
Even Australian wallabies have found a place in our local eco-system?
Do They connect? I don't think so. It's like the story of the lonely guardian of a lighthouse on a small island of the coast of New-Zealand, who introduced a cat to the island. In a year all the birds, species unique to the island, had disappeared, never to return.
Remains the question? Do we connect with our family? The task of educating, protecting and caring for a future education has gone. Forced by economy, implanted ambitions and manipulated consumerism, most grown-ups have to work and on all hours of the day. The harmony, warmth and care, synonymous with growing up, can only be bought. Children who experience a divorce, will have to deal with absent, work and money motivated parents and complex emotional and identication problems, when mother starts dating.
Ockay, except from all this “Entfremdung”, prophesied by Jesus, Karl Marx and Herbert Marcuse, do we connect with our selves. Let me ask you: “Are we happy?”

zaterdag 24 november 2012


It was Kain, so the Bible sais, who commited the first act of violence. He killed his brother Abel, because of envy; God accepted his offerings and refused Kain's. This evil deed split up the universe into dualities. The holistic universe retreated and man stood in front of his worst enemy, himself, as an alter-ego and double. Kain's curse is still being exercised. Man fighting and killing man. Indian babys are born with their hands wide open, Caucasian new-borns enter the new world, with hands like fists. Once you fulfill an act of deliberate violence, you are doomed. Not only will one fight lead to another, it will also haunt you in lives to come. We cannot understand violence, when we don't accept and incorporate the concept of reincarnation.

The French philosopher Levinas explored the concept of “violence” and its effects on nature and mankind. Violence is much, much more, that“just” war, looting, deliberate destruction, crime, etnic cleansing and assasinations. Violence is also the “commerce and merchandising-department of violence”. All the computergames, video's, movies and toys are materialization of violence, and promoted as a toy for kids starting from 2 years on. Violence is all the noise we produce, the pollution of the atmosphere, mega-festivals, car and motorraces and mass-experiences. Violence against animals and against nature. But most of all, the violence against each-other and expecially your loved-ones. In this 1 to 1-interaction violence can mean gossiping, nagging, ignoring, discriminating or treating without respect. This is the real battleground and it generates all kinds of effects.

So violence is proclaimes as being natural. It is not, humans are the only species, that kills each-other on purpose, but Natural Geographic and Animal Planet are programming our kids, that nature means “eat or being eating” and that predators rule. Violence is presented as a “meaning to an end”. War is many-times the first option and History Channel will underline that our cultural development, is synonymous to survival of the fittest, while nations and empiresfighting heroic and ultimate battles. There is no war, to end all wars. When a war ends, you plan for the next one. This snake in our Paradise, is the military-industrial complex and the governing Elite.

vrijdag 23 november 2012


A large part of the Bible is prophesy and the mentioned prophesies get fulfilled. Jesus' birthplace and his virgin birth f.i., were prophesied in the Old Testament, to get fulfilled during the stay on our earth of the Messiah (to the Christians).Jesus himself prophesied the fall and destruction of the Temple at Jerusalem. His words came true in 70 AD., when the Roman legions stormed Jerusalem and burned and looted the “Holy of Holiest” and the Roman rulers renamed the Holy Land into “Palestine”. Many of the prophesies (up to 87%, some believe) have been fulfilled, according to many Bible scolars. What remains are mostly prophesies about the “End of Times”. These are long term/step by step prophesies. We find them in Jeremiah, Jesaja, Daniel and in the book of “Revelation”, the 66th and last book of our common Bible.

These prophesies are converging. Why, because we live in the period of the Apocalypse, the time before the 2nd coming of Christ, zo many Christians believe. The words of Jesus, when he describes the period before his return as a “time of wars and rumors of war”. As a concept, this perfectly fits. There is a war going on in Afghanistan, Congo and Syria. These wars have world-wide effects and lead to tensions, between Israel and Iran, Turkey and Syria, Israel and Gaza and to a high alert of the Western countries and the United States. The Arab world is in total disorder and China and Japan have territorial issues, that could easily explode. So have North and South Korea, India and China/Pakistan.

I always been a skeptic of (all kinds of) prophesy. When Jesus knew the old texts (and he did), he (or his entourage) could have organized that the prophesies were fulfilled. But prophesies about the end times, must be visible in our present global situation.

And they are!

The final stage of the battled between good and evil, is named in “Revelation”. The name of the battleground is called “Armageddon”, meaning “Megiddo”, and old fortress north of Jerusalem. Napoleon visited the site and called it “the best battlegrounds he knew. In the Bible millions of soldiers will meet here, under the leadership of the “Antichrist”. Blood will flow like a river, before Jesus returns from Heaven and decides the battle and binds evil, for at least 1000 years.

Building up armies takes a lot of time, money, preparation and planning. Rumors say that “Kaiser Wilhelm II” of Germany, wanted to stop his troops, only to here from his Chief of Staff, that it was impossible. “The trains are already on the move.” World War I was on its way.

This is possibly happening in this area right now. Armies from all over the world, including our own, are gathering and a solution, to the whole conflict in this region, seems far away. Bible prophesy in the making? The same stands for the prophet Jesaja. He wrote down, that Egyptians will fight Egyptians and that the city of Damascus, the capital of Syria will be destroyed. “There will be no city left.” Jesaja's prophesy about Egypt seemed fulfilled and the future of Damascus is constantly threatented by a raging civil war in Syria. Destruction of Damascus is a real possibility, escalation of this local conflict can easily lead to yet another fulfilment of yet another Bible prophesy.

woensdag 21 november 2012


Humanity and our solar system (including Earth) experience growing consciousness and changes in perception of reality. The Maya civilization in Central-America is the most advanced about the science of “Time”. 22 calendars in total described the cycles and interactions of the Maya with their life on earth, the solar system and the universe. Some of these calendars are still hidden.

According to the Maya calendar the “Fifth world” ended in 1987. The sixth world will start in december 2012. At this moment, we are in the end-fase of an intermediate state. This period is called the“Apocalypse”, which means the unveiling of something hidden. There is nothing negative about, more something of anticipation. The time given to us, was necessary to prepare us for our voyage from a three dimensional reality, through fourth density, into the fifth dimension. DNA is being mutated, our solar system will synchronize with the centre of our galaxy and “time will speed up”. This is the result of the “Schumann Resonance”, the heart-beat of our planet, has risen from 7.8 cycles to 12 cycles per second in 2012. This means that a day last 16, not 24 hours!

In 2012 a cycle of 26.000 years comes to an end. Earth and mankind have passed all 12 signs of the Zodiac and will be in direct allignment with the centre of our Milky Way. During the period of 1987 and 2012, many things will happen on a global, local and personal scale. This all part of a necessary proces, eliminating shadows of the past, like war, greed, exploitation, crimes against nature and animals division, (physical)torture and deception and the disgusting gap between the poor and the rich.

Everyday we make descisions. You can distinguish them as decisions out of Love and decisions made out of Fear. These “thought-attitudes/mindframes”have a completely different effect on your daily life and possible future. A “Fear-attitute” creates a world of fear. It even attracts fear-mongering situations and thoughts. By thinking all the time about things, that can go wrong, they will go wrong (the 2ndLaw of Murphy). You, yourself are creating this reality and attributing to a society, dominated by fear. Which is exactly, the astmosphere we live in today and is stimulated by our government and media.

Things to remember (and to use; make it into your personal attitude)

Show your attitude of love in your daily life. Trust your feelings and intuition. Help others who are in fear, to regain their powers. Every path is personal and unique; every personal and unique path is part of a map, a calendar and a plan. See you is in 5D.

maandag 19 november 2012


Volunteers, who state, that they have no “ alien abduction-memories”, produce, under hypnosis the same experiences, images and emotions as participants, who said to have abduction memories and are sure to have been abducted (some many times and from childhood). Does this mean, that the number of abductees is even larger, than supposed (in the USA, the number of abductees counts in the millions!), or does it suggest, that we are programmed from childhood, to see the world and organize our experiences, according to certain archetypes and paradigms? Abductee-experiences are reality, that everybody reconizes. Because we share something (as humans).

The same is with ufo-sightings. Actually those sightings and the reports about the experiences of human beings, are, over the last 35.000 years, quite similar. Cave-paintings in Algeria are supposed to have been made by hunter-gatherers, when the Sahara was still fertile ground, look like people in a space-suit. “Cargo-cult”, this is called; religious beliefs and rituals, that the locals continue when the visitors from outer space, had long gone. This happened on New-Guinea during World War II, when Stone Age met the American warmachine.

The first acount about unidentified flying objects, was written at the court of Pharaoh Tutmosis in Egypt. The text says:
"In the year 22, of the third month of the winter, sixth hour of the day, the scribes of the House of Life found that there was a circle of fire coming from the sky. It had no head. From its mouth came a breath that stank. One rod long was its body and one rod wide and it was noiseless. And the hearts of the scribes became terrified and confused, and they laid themselves flat on their bellies.

They reported to the Pharaoh. Now, after some days had gone by, behold these things became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shone with the brightness of the sun, and extended to the four supports of the heaven. Dominated in the sky was the station of these five circles. The army of the Pharaoh looked on with him in their midst. It was after supper. These five circles ascended higher in the sky towards the south. Fishes and winged animals and birds fell down from the sky. A marvel never before known since the foundation of this land. And Pharaoh caused insence to be burned to make peace on the earth. And what happened was ordered by the Pharaoh to be written in the annals of the House of Life so that it be remembered forever."

(Royal Records of Tuthmosis III, 1480 B.C.)

Especilly interesting is the statement about the fish and the birds, that fell down from the sky. Except from the place in time, a report like this would make a massive impact, when it would happen in the 21st century.

More than a thousand years later, Alexander the Great, King of Macedon, has two encounters with alien spacecraft. This time the flying discs actually interfered, once in favour of Alexander. In 322 BC. Five ufo's (flying shields appeared, that crushed the walls of Tyre, so that Alexander's army could enter and conquer the city at the Mediterranean coast.

Alberto Fenoglio wrote in 1966 in the Italian ufological periodical Clypeus :
One day suddenly there appeared over the Macedonian camp these "flying shields", as they had been called, which flew in triangular formation led by an exceedingly large one, the others were smaller by almost a half. In all there were five. The unknown chronicler narrates that they circled slowly over Tyre while thousands of warriors on both sides stood and watched them in astonishment. Suddenly from the largest "shield" came a lightning-flash that struck the walls, these crumbled, other flashes followed and walls and towers dissolved, as if they had been built of mud, leaving the way open for the besiegers who poured like an avalanche through the breeches. The "flying shields" hovered over the city.”

The other incident, was during his Indian campaign. Using laser-guns, flying discs frightened his army. Was this a sign to Alexander, that he has reached his destiny? In Hindu-documents and literature, flying machines, mysterious strangers, visitors from space and monstrous weapons, are not uncommon.

Even Christopher Columbus, it appears, saw a UFO. While patrolling the deck of the Santa Maria at about 10:00 PM on October 11, 1492, Columbus thought he saw "a light glimmering at a great distance." He hurriedly summoned Pedro Gutierrez, "a gentleman of the king's bedchamber," who also saw the light. After a short time it vanished, only to reappear several times during the night, each time dancing up and down "in sudden and passig gleams." The light, first seen four hours before land was sighted, was never explained."

Except for these “eyewitnesses”, ufo's appear in all kinds of paintings, woodcarvings and altar-shrines, during the Middle Ages.

Ufo-sighting over Hamburg

An acceptional ufo-sighting happened in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. Thousands of pilgrims and people living in the area, saw a spectacle in the sky. The sun performed a lightshow, that dazzled the eye-witnesses.

"As if like a bolt from the blue, the clouds were wrenched apart, and the sun at its zenith appeared in all its splendor. It began to revolve vertiginously on its axis, like the most magnificent firewheel that could be imagined, taking on all the colors of the rainbow and sending forth multicolored flashes of light, producing the most astounding effect. This sublime and incomparable spectacle, which was repeated three distinct times, lasted for about ten minutes.”


Believers say it was an apparition of the Virgin Mary, but it looks like a classic ufo-sighting. The most widely cited descriptions of the events reported at Fatima are taken from the writings of John De Marchi, an Italian Catholic priest and researcher. De Marchi spent seven years in Fátima,from 1943 to 1950, conducting original research and interviewing the principals at undisturbed length.

During World War II, Allied pilots reported “Foo Fighters”, “orbs” of colourful energy, that accompanied the bombers. They thaught it was a secret German weapon, but the “Foo (from French: feu, fire) Fighters did do no harm and disappeared after a while. Without a trace.

After the war the Americans invited many German scientists to work for them, especially the rocketprogram. These experts were firm believers in extraterrestial life and even claimed to have had alien help (Werner von Braun, Hans Obertsz). This was maybe thec necessary imput for the UFO-phenomenon in the US. Shortly after their emigration, ufo's started to show up, around the locations the Germans worked in New Mexico. Roswell was the beginning of a mindflipping period of sightings, crashes, abductions and encounters of several kind. Many, but not all, ufo-excperiences were staged to hide government black-projects. Many, but not all. These are the interesting ones. More to come.


zondag 18 november 2012


If the Judaic-Christian God does exist, would he destroy the world, with all his people on it? Of course he would. He had done so before. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrha and left Lot to tell the story and send us the Flood, killing all, except for Noah and his family. God struck disaster on armies of the enemies and drove the Jews to conquer the Holy Land and finishing off local tribes, that lived their for ages.

This is the power of monotheism and also its doom. Mondern day believers expect to survive even when they are hit by all the disasters, prophesied in the last book of the Holy Bible, “The Revelation of John”. Four horsemen will roam the earth, followed by war, destruction, pestilence and starvation. God's wrath (and purification) comes is 7 waves, out of a book with 7 seals and accompanied by the horns of 7 angels.

What kind a God do we trust, when he is capable of those things. To let everybody suffer, because of collective guilt? Is the fact, that thousands of children are dying because of lack of food, part of God's plan?

The final battle between Good and Evil, as prophesied in the Bible, will happen near the town of Megiddo; Armageddon in biblical terms. Here the armies of the world, under the leadership of the “Antichrist”,will be defeated by Jesus and his supporting forces. The “Antichrist”will be destroyed and a new Jerusalem will, like a giant Ufo, descend from Heaven.

Many Jews, Christians and, even agnostics agree, that this generation is the generation and this specific periode is the time, prophesied in“Revelation”.

When John was writing down these verses, nobody expected that they were more than just metaphors. The words of Jesus about him returning in a time “of wars and rumours of war”, fit very well too, apocalyptic visonaires underline. And the whole scenario is enfolding in the way as prophesied in Jesaja, Jeremia and in the book of “Revelation”.How real, from this perspective, is a battle at Armageddon, called by Napoleon, the best battleground on the whole world.

Without hesitation, one can say, that the whole area around Megiddo is on fire. In Syria a civil war is fought, wich expands into Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, Westbank, Israel, Gaza and Egypt. Hostilities between Gaza and Israel have turned into a real war, both shooting rockets at each-other and Israel preparing to invade Gaza. The involvement of Turkey in the Syrian conflict, means that Nato is involved. British, French and American naval ships patrol the Meditteranean, Red Sea, Persian Gulf and the Indian Oceann.

Russia is supporting Syria and will be on high alert, because Nato still have invasion and a landwar in Syria as an option.

To make things easier, Israel, with Western support, has claimed a right to strike first, when the Iranians succeed in producing a nuclear weapon. A strike on the nuclear facilities will “force” Iran to retaliate and his rockets that can reach Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

In a situation like this, with, at the moment, 15 countries/armies involved, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong (Murphy's Law). Even the tiniest spark, incident or misunderstanding can lead to a war in the Middle East. And like I said, what will happen if a rocket will hit the Temple-mound and destroy the “Dome of the Rock”? At least, the Jews have finally a chance to rebuild their Temple for the third time.

zaterdag 17 november 2012


We are mentally, moraly and emotional being imprinted for a future world, that will the be result of global disaster and destructive human behavior. We are "informed" to expect a nuclear war (possible), earthquaakes, tsunamis, solar flares and pandemics.. One of the latest topics we are programmed with, is a “zombie apocalypse”. These future entities are the “undead”, a lethal and unstoppable force of horror, first released by the ancient goddess Ishtar. They sttack, devour and mutiliate the survivors of the End Times on earth, turning them into zombies themselves. These movies (and games, franchising, clothing, games) are immensely popular by young people, especially in Japan.

Modern day (movie-)zombies live or vegetate in a Post WW3 environment. Pollution, radiation and lack of food turn people into psychopatic monsters, that take an hour and half to destroy. But in the final scenes, when hero and heroin unite in victory, there is always a hint, that the zombie will return. Though brutal and vulgar, it may be a real option for the future. Immense collections of nuclear weapons, laserguns, tnt, anthrax, viruses, handguns, tomahawks, rockets and EMP-generators (to name a few) are being prepared for battle by millions of generals, soldiers, scientists, sailors, snipers, pilots, submarine-captains and commando,s, using thousands of battleships, fighter jets, trucks, cars, planes, motor cycles, submarines (to name a view), that need harbours, military barracks and underground bases, airfields, rocket bases, office buildings, bunkers, food- en petrol-supply and restaurants, that are utilized by millions of planners, controlers, civil servants, mechanics, tailors and uniform designers, parachute testers , psychiatrists, nurses, divers, doctors and spies.

They (and we) are all vulnerable to (and maybe secretly attracted) attacking zombies. And it could turn into a complete disaster, when those creatures from hell gain control over our nuclear weapons. So how do you prep for zombies?

Zombie is a name from Haiti, where black slaves turn their African belief and experiences, into a extatic mix, with catholic and local influences. A fascination with dead and fear for the returning of a deceised, are basic to this “Voodoo-belief”. Here people can be bewitched by sjamans and female sorcerers, and tortured and manipulated even after death. Like ufo's, years of research have only delivered all kinds of anecdotal information and no proof at all of people returning from the grave. Shamans and witches function in the African, Asian, South-American, Aboriginal, Hopi and African cultures and perform impressive rituals, are significant members of society and perform even (mass)healing.

In Judaic (kabbalistic) literature, the “Gollem” is mentioned. This is a figure of a man, made out of clay, that comes to live, when a rabbi in Prague gave him live (breath) and the monster awakens. But something terrible went wrong and the “Gollem” started killing everybody, Tsjech or Jew. The only one, who could eliminate this danger, was the rabbi. The “Gollem” collapsed under his spells. Frankenstein and Count Dracula are the first “undead” in books and films and they first were getting hardly any attraction, except in occult circles (Bram Stoker). But the first movie-attempts, were the beginning of a flood of zombie-films, a flood of blood, culminating in a “Zombie Apocalypse”.


Conspiracy-adepts predict future wars, where biological and chemical weapons (like antrax) will be used. Not only create these weapons a global deeadly disease, to be compared with the pneumonic plague (the Black Death) in the Middle Ages (Asia and Europe, killing up to 50% of Europe's population). Part from that, the human brain is under attack. For a long time, so some authors say, our water, air and food has been deliberately contaminated to dumb-down humans and turn them into adaptive, law-abiding, obedient and productive“worker-ants”, who can endure all the necessary disasters and global crises and willingly accept global government, global financing, a world army and global production/economy/distribution. Even a world-religion!

The organizations, institutions, countries, churches and corporations, who willingly adopt and follow this “philosophy of zombification” and prepare a "New World Order", are manned with millions of men (and a few women), who are the real zombies of our reality. When the real bubble of life bursts and everything will be revealed, they, the masterminds of human enslavement, will, finally, be held accountable. Untill then, free yourself from a zombie mind (what you learn at school), zombie emotions (America's Top Models) and zombie-action (extreme sports and Jack Ass). Instead, start educating your self. It's my future too.


vrijdag 16 november 2012


If you read the Bible carefully, you' notice, that Genesis contains two creation-stories. In the first one God creates man and woman (equally, simultaniously), from the earth. In Genesis 2, God first creates Adam, who gets bored and frustrated in the Garden of Eden. God hypnotizes him and while Adam is in a deep sleep, he takes a rib and from it creates Eve. This story is one of the biblical archetypes, that led to a, religiously legitimized, lifetime of obedience, submission and possible torture or even death, for women, all through history and all around the world, alhough it is not the only “haunting from the past”.

Judaism and early Christianity were a “literate” society and both produced a lot of scrolls, codexis and books. When finally the content and order of Bible were formalized, many books, gospels and apocalypses were left out. Some circulating books were called heretic and burned. In the last century many of those missing “sources” have been discovered. (Dead sea scrolls, Nag-Hamadi and recently discovered “sources”, hidden in monasteries from the Balkan, the Kaukasus to Ethiopia (the Book of Enoch).

Interesting details about Genesis can be discovered in this material. Eve was Adam's 2nd wife!

Adam's first wife was called Lilith, a woman created equal and with a mind of her own. Adam claims sexual dominance, but Lilith refuses to submit. Adam wants to force hinself unto his wife and she “calls God's secret and forbidden name” and disappeares into thin air. She does not leave paradise immediately. God sends three angels, to seduce her to return to Adam, but the 1st woman on earth, keeps saying no. God threatens to punish Lilith for her stubbordness. “Every day 100 children will die, because of you.” Lilith does not return to Adam.

Christian and Judaism “propaganda” have turned Adam's first wife in to a demonic and horrific entity. From the Middle Ages untill now, people wear amulets against her evil powers and intent. She tortures women during pregnancy and is kept responsable for the sudden death of a baby or child. Lilith also preys on young man, sleeping alone. By possessing his body and thoughts, she procurates with them. The name Lilith may sound unfamiliar to you, but you have used it many times during your lifetime. Lullaby literally stems from “Lilith abide”.

dinsdag 13 november 2012


Some North American Ufologists and UFO-research organizations want to quite. There is no interest anymore and the number of sightings is dropping dramatically. Soon a major conference will be held about this topic of continuing the hard work.

On the other hand, the internet is flooded with pictures and video's of strange sightings, aerial phenomena and possible ufo's. They show themselves in all sizes and shapes, all over the world. (Cointelpro?).

Whistleblowers and experts reveal new and astonishing insights about the world around us and about our own potential and destiny. We are benevolent beings slowly liberating ourselves from the web of deception existing around us. Aliens are not benevolent! They vary from pure evil to entities, that really don't care. By means, beyond our comprehension, they influence us and force us tto live in a world, that fits them best.

Ufology has not produced a single bit of evidence in 60 years. No crashed ufo or surviving alien. A lot of anecdotal information, with little or no relevance at all. The focus on “encounters” was one big hoax, stimulated and fed, to drain the energy of “believers” by focussing them on details. Only recently the attention of researchers changed. Suddenly ufo's were “tendencies to exist” and the result of demonic activity. This development put all kinds of alien contact in a completely different perspective. For believers ufo's and aliens are benevolent and want to save humankind and our planet. Channeling and being a contactee prepares the human soul for further manipulation. Idea's of supremacy (as beings), superior technology and joining a Galactic Federation, are imprinted. As above, so below and an “alien” Elite is created, to impress the masses, which generates life-style extremes, the alien entities like.

War, murder, death penalty, mass-destruction and assassinations produces energy and “matter”, on which alien feeds and flourishes.

Abortion, sexual perversion, child abuse, mass shootings and carbombs are not human, but flourish under alien influence. Overconsumption, animal slaughter, pollution, planned extinctions, and ecological recklessness are not human, but the result of (alien) strategies to provoke mass-suicide.

Are these hidden alien powers existing under our feet, in an inner, hollow and hidden earth or do they live on the Moon or Mars, visiting and exploiting our earth. I think you don't have to look that far. It's hidden in plain sight. Look in the mirror! We carry that alien parasite around, with us. It sometimes takes over completely (possessment, abduction). Sometimes it is dormant. But it is always there!

The “alien” is inside us and we don't realise that. It controls our brain, our soul, thoughts and actions. It creates blind spots, where you don't dare to look. This “their” power and our doom.

What to do? Start deprogramming your self. Ban all the above mentioned out of your mind, your thoughts and actions. Concentrate on the “human” character: peace, understanding, love, growth, sharing, care and excellence. To name a few.


He was called “the sleeping prophet”. “Sleeping” referred to the state of self-hypnosis” and “profeth”. Because he diagnosed sick people from a distance, with a remarkable accuracy. A question, written down in a letter, was enough for him to reach out to the sick person, diagnose and prescribe medicine. Thousands of these consultations were made and written down. His name was “Edgar Cayce”, he lived in the USA, from 1877 to 1945. Some say he died from exhaustion, because many visitors wanted to know in those dark years, how there loved-ones fared and if they were still alive.

Casey's monumental achievement was unique, even though he himself could not fully explain, “how it worked”. By putting himself into a trance, he opened a gateway to unknown knowledge. He could talk about subjects he knew hardly anything about and used medical terms, you would expect from a physian, not from some-one who tried to earn a living as a photographer.

Apart from the personal “readings”, Edgar Cayce also made some global “prophesies”. In 1968, he predicted, Atlantis would rise in the Caribbean. In exactly that year the “Bimini Road” was discovered. A kind of underwater road, made of man-made stones. It was the start of an intensive search in this area and with success. Other roads are discovered, as are the remnants of monuments and stone circles. Of the coast of Cuba an underwater city was discovered, supposedly 15.000 years old. Evidence, that ancient cities, harbours and fortresses, had disappeared because of the rising seawater-levels after the last Ice Age. The Flood was a, global, reality. Near the North-West of India, the famous city of Krishna, Dworka, has been located at a depth of 120 meters. Atlantis is rising, like Edgar Cayce predicted. What other prohesies did he utter in his trance? Casey said that the pyramids and the Sphinx were much older, than was assumed in the 1940's. Recently a theory, was published, that Gizeh was about 10.000 years old. The Sphinx, so archeologists discovered, was weathered by water (rain); which placed this intriguing monument back in time, to a period when plenty of rain did fall in Egypt. Cayce also talked about the “Chamber of Wisdom”, which was dug out, between the two pawns of the Sphinx. In this “Chamber of Wisdom”, the Atlanteans stored their knowledge underground for future generations. They knew, that planet Earth would be hit by disaster. Some archeologists cannot wait to start digging, but the Egyptian government forbids all activity, even now that ground-penetrating radar, suggests that caves exist under the Sphinx (this is hardly a surprise. The whole Gizeh-complex, including the pyramids, is connected by underground tunnels.

So far, Casey's predictions are quite accurate, but there are more (horrifying) events to come. He predicted that the island of Japan, will sink into the sea. This is happening at this moment! All over Japan, water is bursting out of the ground.

The nuclear reactor at Fukusjima is slowly sinking. A collapse is possible, which would leed to a melt-down. We will possibly see another Tsjernobyl, in the nearby future. At this moment the situation in the Ukraine is not safe at all, as well. The nuclear reactor is surrounded and sealed of by an construct, about to collapse. The local government does not have the money (2 billion dollar), to do the necessary work. Overall Edgar Casey seems to be right at this prediction.

His last “prophesies” were about the destruction of North-East of the USA. Casey predicted hugh flooding and the down-fall of New York, which would be swallowed by the sea. A month ago, exactly this happened. It won't be the last one. The coastal regions are not protected enough and the frequency and intensity of these “renegade-storms” will rise. Both catastrophies (in the making) will leed to a refugee-problem of unprecedented scale. To make matterrs worse; “the sleeping prophet”, very accurate so far, mentions a coming economic collapse and the definite crash of the stockmarket. I get the strange feeling, that this mysterious American, was right all-the-way.

maandag 12 november 2012


If I was bound in a nutshell, I could call myself King of infinite space.” Written down by Shakespeare and therefore treated with respect. Is he hinting at the paradox we live in, a world of infinity, within boundaries? I think, therefore I am, part of an infinite universe, Thia universe, we have to learn to understand within the limits of time (death) and space (dust). Though in glorious words, William is reerring to a linear and infinite world. You are stuck inside that nut for eternity and ever.

Like Nemo, you have to make a choise. King of an illusion or direct your path in the search for the truth. Then your potential will grow, you will gradually fill up your nut (your prison) and, when a critical moment is reached, your “grotto” will explode and you will stand in the sun(moon)light for the firs time and see the firmament (our cosmos).

You may get blinded, disoriented, angry or robbed. This moment can be deadly (in a spiritual way), if you are not prepared. You have to realize that you are NOT the first one (or the last one), who will achieve enlightenment in this lifetime. So what is new to you, is ancient knowledge to other humans or other entities. The knowledge you will gain, is filtered and rewritten, by ancient powers. Some of them are benevolent, others are extremely evil (Mother Theresa and Ivan, the Terrible). They all walked among us and are trying to get a foothold in this reality. A reality, where it is ALL happening.

Development can be discribed as cycles within cycles, which potentially go on for ever. Human development will go faster and faster, untill “the singularity” is reached, the moment when the incoming stream of data cannot be processed anymore and our lifestyle is at stake. If mankind will choose (or forced to choose out of orchestrated fear) for continuation of their material wealth under a top-down world-government. At that moment mankind is definitively a “slave of the Machine”.

I remember an old sf-story, in which a future worldleader of the United Nations, connects, in a worldwide televized broadcast, all computers on the planet. The big moment is there and the “big question” is asked: “Does God exist?” The moment the UN-leader pushes the return-bottom, a lightning strikes down and destroys the terminal. A loud, metallic voice, sounds all over the world: “Now He does!”


Of all the particles, science discovered, there is one common factor: they are for over 99% empty. Their mass is nothing and is built up by sub-particles, who hardly have any mass at all. So why cannot we walk through a wall or explain gravity. In their search for truth, scientific theorists came up with the “Higgs-boson”, also called the “God-particle”. This elusive particle would give “mass” to his and her fellow-particles. If they find it, and billions of dollars are spend to discover it, one will learn, that it has no mass, worth mentioning.

This kind of research is a dead-end street. Leftbrain dominance and the arrongance, that you gain insight in our reality by throwing matter to pieces. And the problems for the “particle-physicists” are not over yet. Research of the kosmos, resulted in the discovery of “dark matter”, a founding force of our universe, previously unknown. Dark matter has bizarre characteristics and forms 85% of all matter around us. You may conclude, that we know nothing of 15% of our environment, which is only 15% of All.

Scientists have come to the conclusion, that “dark matter” gets its characteristics from a particle! Now the hunt for “whimps” has begun, a particle, that only exists in mathematical formula.

Imagine, you find a small feather and pick it up. When you want to weigh the feather, you must conclude, that is has no weight it all. Now you can choose two paths. You can develop a highly developed technologic device, that can weigh everything. This way your feather turns into cushion-filling and into (measurable) matter.

But there is another way. When you realize that the feather is telling you a story: “This is not the way, you will get to know me. My essence is not matter and weight; but it is about flying in the air and touch the earth, where the wind brings me. That's what matters.”

zondag 11 november 2012


Are “Reptilians” real? Are they our overlords, who are connected by a reptilian bloodline (royalty). Whose aim it is to reduce the human population by 80% and enslave the rest, ruled by reptilians in a (New) world order. Worldleaders, who are partly Reptilian, are the front for a future Reptilian World Order (like in the days of the Dinosaurs, so to say). Humans descending from these ancient bloodlines have hugh mental powers (hypnotizing, paralyzing) and they can (or have to) shapeshift between a human and a reptilian form.

There is a theory, that our first brain, was called “reptilian”. Flight or fight; agressive, opportunistic and ruthless, even towards their own kind or ofspring; ruling or submissive. In the first stages of human programming, you learned to kill first and ask questions later. This is one side of the Reptilian mind, the other is “dynastic”. In the bitter circumstances mankind grew up in, it was extremely important to make sure that the tribe, the clan or dynasty survived. This asked for careful planning, based on cultivated history and a reserved place in the Elite, that was rightfully theirs (for ever).

A reptilian (primal) mind arrives at reptilian decisions. Like I mentioned: shoot first, ask questions later. But reptilian thinking takes this several steps further. When you are threatened or about to be attacked, you have to be the first one strike. When you are hit, you hit back harder etc. Reptilian thinking is about making tough decisions. When disaster strikes, there are decisions to be made about life and death. Triage this is called; like in the Titanic, who will get into the life-boats and who don't. But it doesn't stop there. When the Germans bombed Coventry, this could have been prevented. But by doing so, the British had to reveal the latest radar-equipment, which they wanted to keep secret for a while. Churchill made the decision and Coventry burned. That's what I call a “Reptilian-decision”. Alexander the Great was a “reptilian”; (world) domination, promiscious, agressive, beloved leader and always on the frontline. He is connected to the murder of his father, he murdered his younger stepbrother and stepmother and killed his friend and lover with a spear. He was a born leader and anxious to please the Gods. With this in mind, you'll find a lot of Reptilians in history and even now.

Unidentified Submerged Objects

The question is put forward, “Where are all the ufo's, when we don't see them flying around.” Are they stationed on the Moon or on giant space-motherships, we cannot detect?. Maybe the most plausible answer is: they dive into the ocean and disappear. An ufo and an uso (unidentified submerged object), are one and the same. Technically, there is not much difference, between a space-shuttle and a submarine.

Although water is covering most of our planet, when don't know much of the depths of the oceans. Almost weekly unknown sea-creatures are found or a complete eco-system, on the bottom of a 10 km. deep trench. But is there any evidence of the so-called “uso”. The first time, an uso is mentioned, is found in the logs of Christoffer Columbus. Shortly before reaching the America's in 1492, Colmbus and his crew saw several unidentified objects (firy balls, disc-shaped) coming out of the ocean and dive in again.

Even at this moment most “uso-sightings” occur around the island of Puerto Rico. But sightings appear in the North as well. The Norwegian Navy chased an submerged object for two weeks, before it disappeared without a trace. So did the Swedish Navy. In both cases, the official explination: a secret Soviet weapon.

But does the fact that, possibly, the ufo's and uso's are identical, help us any further in explaining the whole “alien” phenomenon. First of all, these flying saucers operate with intent and purpose. There must be something they want or need deep down, or high up in the skies.

Suppose, the inhabitants of the flying machines, live deep down in the earth-crust, which had entrances (portals) to the Inner Earth and its superior civilization. This concept is nothing new and since Jules Verne (an intriguing novellist) it is part of popular fiction. Admiral Byrd, supposedly flew into the “Hollow Earth” at an entrance near the North Pole. Here he was introduced to an enlightened (Atlantean) civilization, which Counsil of Elders, was very concerned about what happened at the surface (the atomic bombs). Shortly after WW2, the same admiral Byrd led a military expedition into Antarctica. The American ships and planes were attacked by “flying saucers”, that appeared in and out of the ocean. One destroyer was sunk and several planes shot down. Byrd retreated and back in the States, he warned the public for the threat, that would attack the USA, from Antarctica.

The Hollow Earth-theory has ancient roots and many names are given to it: Shambala, Aigarthe, Shangri La but also underworld, Abyss, Hades or Hell. I can imagine, that the inhabitants of this mysterious and unknown civilization (remnants of Atlantis?), are not happy, when the balance of the principle “as above, so below”, is disturbed and they feel the effects (explosions, war mentality, immorality, destruction, pollution and a probable extinction-course.) of our behavioor and actions.

I think, they first tried to warn us through shamans, mediums and channeling, but these messages were ridiculed, the ability to have spiritual contact denied and the message seen as “too obvious”! They flooded our world with knowledge and ancient codices and artifacts. This drew some attention, but everything that did not fit in the accepted timeline (4000 BC. Start of civilization in Sumer), was neglected and advocates of these “anomaly-theories” were kicked out of their jobs and their results became merely a foot-note. When this did not have the expected result, namely lifting the veil of mankind and entering a (new) dimensional level, which would have made contact with the Inner Earth possible.

So, what to do? Suppose the Counsil of Elders, finally listened to one entity, that had suggested to break down the walls and conquer the surface. Maybe, they made a deal with other entities, who had the technology to dig and to conquer. That's what the UFO's do. They transport the waste out of the inner earth, they collect essential minerals out of the sea, the air and the surface of the Moon and other planets. Many of the effects of climate change and global warming, the earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and land-slides are the result of drilling-activity “down under”. Sightings of Sasquatch, Yeti and all kinds of seamonsters, are in fact, creatures from below, taking a shortcut.

And what about the “BOING”? When studying the languages of whales and dolphins, scientists recorded a sound, that had its source more than 3 miles deep. After eliminating all posibilities, the only thing that remained was the sound of a giant sea-mamal, living deep in the ocean. But maby it was a USO?


zaterdag 10 november 2012


The first time I regognized a pattern in the landscape, happened in Wiltshire (England). Somebody showed me the fact, that a straight line could be drawn, starting at Salisbury Cathedral, passing Old Sarum (a Norman-ford) and then crossing the neo-lithic monuments of Stonehenge and beyond. That's how far my map went, but this “leyline”could be traced across the English country-side.

Nowadays you can trace these leylines by connecting the churches. Most of the time they were build on ancient sites, of religious, pagan character. Often, Christian missionairies cut down holy oaks, to proof, the pagan Gods didn't interfere and started building a (wooden) church on this “unholy” ground.

But what if you draw a line from Easter Island to Gizeh and back to Easter Island again. It will shock you, how many important ancient sites are connected in this way.

Starting at Easter Island, the most isolated ancient, archeological site, we pass Nazca, Ollantay Tambo, Machu Pichu, Guzco, Mali (the Dogon Lands; a tribe which knew the Sirius-constellation long before it was officially discovered; Tassili N'jaher (the famous cave-paintings of space-visitors), Siwa (the Amon-oracle, that was visited by Alexander the Great); Petra, the famous “hidden city” and mentioned in the Bible as a place where giants dwelled; Ur, one of the first cities in Mesopatamia; Persepolis, the core of Persian art and religion (burnt down by Alexander's troops),

Mohendje Daro in Pakistan, where writings are unearthed that resemble those of Easter Island, next, 3 places where the Gods reside: Khajuraho (India), Pyay (Birma) and Sukothai (Thailand). The last monument we meet on our trip around the world, is the famous templecomplex of Aqngkor Wat in Cambodia.

Do you think, that this is all a coincidence? I don't. Even though the monuments date from different periods, they were all built on the remains and ruins of older cultures. It gives our idea of global connections deeper meaning and it stretches the human history back to the Ice Age and possibly beyond.

vrijdag 9 november 2012


In the Old Testament, in the book of Exodus, we find explicit descriptions, how to make the special box and the ornaments, that make up the “Arc of the Covenant”. In it, the two stone tablets, that contain the Ten Commandments (10 Words), that Moses received from God, on the Mount of Sinai. These stone tablets were not the original ones, written by the burning finger of God. The originals were thrown to pieces and crushed by his heel, when Moses came down the mountain. His people were dancing around a golden calf, made under the supervision of his brother Aaron. It's the start of the first genocide. Supporters of Moses slew about 3000 sinners. The tablets in the Arc are written by Moses himself, under Divine inspiration. Besides the tablets the Arc contained, as ancient stories tell, a bowl filled with mannah, that fed the fugitives in the dessert and the rod of Aaron, that could change into a snake and eat its opponents.

The Arc was carried at the head of the wandering Jews and when it stopped, so did the Jews. Sometimes it could take 1 or 2 years, of the forty, the journey took, before they entered the Holy Land and Moses died.

The Arc played an important role in the conquering of the Holy Land, just as God had promised Moses. The tribes living there, would have to flee or get killed. Many a battle was fought and the Arc was the heart of the Jewish fighting force. The Arc, so they say, brought down the walls of Jericho or filled the enemy with despair. Once during their conquest, the Arc was captured by the ennemy. Goliath, the Philistine giant, slaughtered the defenders of the Arc, put the Arc on his shoulder and brought the relic to the Philistine camp. It was an act of “bravoure”, that would cost them deerly. When they opened the lid, thousands died of fever. Every Philistine-village or town where the Arc was stored, was struck by plague and disaster. In the end, they put the Arc on a cart and the oxen drew this holy object back to its rightful owners, the Jews.

The Arc did not only hurt the ennemy, people who touched it, got struck by lightning and the Levites, who were responsible for transporting and maintaining the Arc, wore protective clothing. After the ethnical cleansing of Israel and the conquering of Jerusalen, it was David's son, Solomon, who built the first Temple. In it was a sacred place,“the Holy of Holies”, where the Arc was placed. Only the High Priest was allowed to enter this “room” (It looked more like a tent).

Whatever it was, the Arc was a powerful tool, handed down by Jahweh, to make Gods promise to Moses come true. Returning to the Holy Land.

What happened to the Arc? During the period from 1000 BC to 200 AD. the two Jewish Kingdoms, that were formed (Israel and Judea) were attacked en conquered by neighboring super-powers, like Egypt, Assur, Babylon, Greece and Rome. Because the Arc was goldplated, it may have been destroyed by looting soldiers.

Nebukadnezar, the Babylonian ruler, burnt down the Temple and he took its treasures, just as the Romans did, who destroyed the Temple build by Herod the Great in 70 AD. But at this point in time, the Arc had already disappeared. The Holy of Holies was empty. A Roman general was impressed. “This must be a mighty God”, he said, when he saw the empty room.

Objects of this importance do not disappear, they are hidden and will re-appear at the right moment in time. The most simple explanation is, that the Arc was hidden, just before the Babylonians entered Jerusalem en stormed the Temple. There are a lot of ancient tunnels and caves in and around Jerusalem, many never explored. Here the Levites hid the Arc and the other holy object. This theory is supported by a scroll, that describes the Temple's hidden relics and wealth. Even now Christians and rabbi's claim to know where the Arc is hidden, some even saw it, but we will have to wait untill it's time. Which may be soon.

Let me tell, you this. The Arc was never lost. But that it was secretly transported out of Jerusalem to Ethiopia, where it was hidden for a long time, but brought into the open by the Orthodox Christian Church of Ethiopia. In every Christian church you can find an Arc. This are all replica's of the real Arc, which is kept in a temple/church in the city of Axum. You can not visit this place. One priest is allowed in and only leaves the Temple when he dies. It is said, that, apart from the selected priests, only 3 humans have seen the inside of it. Emperor Haile Selassie visited the shrine, accompanied by Queen Elisabeth of England and Prince Charles. But the rumors are growing, that, in crucial times like ours, the Ethiopian Arc will come into the open and its contents shown to the world.

donderdag 8 november 2012


The power of the Elite is slowly fading away. There were only a few of them in the beginning and they wanted to keep it that way. This led to inbreeding and a slow, but unstopable decline.

Let's call them the Gods, the (fallen) Angels or Archons. They guided and directed humanity to fulfill their desires and wanted to be worshipped for it. When they arrived on our planet, they soon realized that their magic and technology gave them supremacy over man and when managed the right way, it seemed their rule could last for millenia.

These Archons desperately searched for a way back into their original universe, from which they were dumped into our reality. Their unity soon disap-peared, mostly out of boredom, and for thousands of years they played a game of “global Risk”. An endless streams of wars, invasions and genocide engulfed the planet. Modern technology all made it seem easy, but to reach every entity, they had to spread their powers. The Archons used modern media to control our world. But a problem occured. More and more their original powers of manipulation and indoctrination became paperthin. Combined with the inbreeding and the growing paranoia of the Elite, their mindframe slipped into decadence and obscenety. That's why we are confronted with all those absurd and disgusting movies, battles, t.v.-series and talkshows. Nobody, in a sane mind, is awaiting another wargame, zombie-attack or disaster-scenario. Still we are confronted by them. There is nothing entertaining about a horror-movie or adult programming. They only show a degenerative and dark tendency, we have to get rid of. The world is filled with anger, violence, pornography, child-abuse and suppression. So it seams. There is a different world to discvover. Just stop playing video-games, send text messages, go to cinemas and watch television (among others). Stop let them poison you. There's another, real world waiting for you.

woensdag 7 november 2012


Last weak, I read a message out of the USA. Somebody had yelled, 'Hijack', inside a plane. The man was sentenced to life in prison. I could not believe my eyes, not that we don't have a class-justice in the Netherlands, if you throw something at our queen, you stay behind bars for years, but this was bizar.

The next day, I understood the article. In 27 states, judges use the “3-strike system.”, which means, that after two sentences, even a mild offense can lead to a sentence of “25 to life”. At this moment 150.000 inmates serve a life-sentence (of the 2 million+ prisoners inside) and the numbers are growing fast. Many State prisons are in some cases extremely overcrowded and violent. Gang wars go on, behind bars and attacks and assassinations are carefully planned.

This continuous thread, safety procedures are extremely strict and the prisonguards are well armed. Officers guarding the fences, have a license to kill, when riots break out.

Inmates can turn everything into a weapon. A toothbrush, a platic bag, but most off all metal. To give you an idea, what happens, we can look at “Pelican Bay”, an infamous prison, with a history of violence (in 2000 1 prisoner was shot and 19 wounded, during a massive fight, with about 100 casualties). Mexican gangmembers attacked the blacks. When the area was cleared dozens of home-made knives were found. So when a razorblade is missing, the prison is on high alert. All prisoners are removed from their cells (832 cells, 2 or more inmates per cell) and dozen of officers search each cell for potential weapons. After hours, an officer calls out. “I found the razorblade!” When the camera zooms in, it is obvious, that this is NOT a razorblade. It's a small piece of metal (alluminum), which can, after many hours, been turned in to a sharp object. It's a kind of tunnelvision. The guards, too attribute to the violence and aggression. Because the real weapons are the prisoners themselves. They train a lot, flock together by race or gang and start conspiring. What else can you expect, if you know that you will spend your life behind bars. Can make you quite desperate.


The name “Moses” is Egyptian and it means “son of” and we find it in names of Egyptian pharaohs like Rameses and Tutmoses. Moses was a renegade prince,who fled Egypt after killing a supervisor of Jewish laborors. They worked as slaves on the city of Piramses, build by Ramses II, the Great. He escaped the wrath of the pharaoh and went to the country of “Midjan” (across the “Gulf of Eilat or the “Arig al-Aqaba” in, now, Saudi-Arabia).

After Jaweh presents himself to Moses, he returns to liberate his people (the Jews). They lived in the North of the delta for a few generations, after fleeing Kanaan because of a draught. Josef welcomed them and gave his tribe access to the wealth of the country along the Nile. After Jozef's death and changes in Egypt's leadership the hospitality faded and the Jews worked as slave-laborers to build the new capital of Ramses II. This places the Exodus, according to historians, around 1200 BC.

Some say that the Jews were kicked out of Egypt, because the local people envied their wealth and feared their secluviness. Next the fleeing Jews are saved from the forces of the Pharaoh, because the waters of the Red Sea part and the Jews escape. The charriots of Ramses disappear into the returning waters, killing most of the soldiers.

But is this correct (geographical)? First it seems quite illogical, that the future Israelites crossed the Red Sea. They lived in the North and they had to leave Egyptian territory, by following the route Moses knew, the road to Midjan (Midian), that led out of the pharaonic Empire. That would also explain, the signs the fugitives saw. Clouds/smoke during daytime and fire at night, that showed the way. According to Ron Wyatt (Biblical archeologist) the Jews marched towards the “Gabal al-Laur”, an active volcano. In Saudi-Arabia. The parting of the sea took place in the “Gulf of Eilat”, before they reached the safety of Midjan.

But why did Ramses send his elite-soldiers after the Jews. The story goes, that Moses stole an ancient piece of technology, that belonged to the Egyptian rulers. With this technology Moses was able to part the Harig al-Aqaba and “closing” the waters, when the Egyptian army followed the Jews into Midlan. Ron Wyatt had unearthed a number of wheels and bronze ornaments, belonging to Egyptian charriots. Ramses was defeated and after Moses received the Ten Commandments, they went North on their journey of 40 years to the Holy Land. You ask: “What happened to the mysterious weapon, Moses stole?” Moses had made a special box for this “wonder-weapon” and he called it “the Ark of the Covenant”. 


Under the Icecrust of Antarctica, under a thick ice-crust, sweet-water lakes are found, well over 10*C. Warm. This has effect on the glaciers. They are gliding towards the sea. Under extreme sterile conditions, Russian scientists are trying to get some of that water to the surface (Lake Vostok). Maybe there is life? Anyway, this is “ancient” water and it contains information about the climate conditions, when these lakes were formed and subsequently froze over.

Antarctica used to be an island, with a mediocre climate. Fossilized trees and even palmleaves have been found. This situation suddenly changed. This happened all quite suddenly and whole woods were frozen in a short period.

The same happened in Siberia. In the taiga, the arctic part of Russia, time after time carcasses of woolly mammoths are found.

The beasts are very well preserved and it is told, that the Russian explorers fed the mammoth-meat to their dogs. Some of the finds ended up in a museum. Here the stomach-contents of these extinct elephants were researched. Plants and flowers were discovered, sometimes still in their mouth, that grew in a nicely warm climate and that the catastrophic climate change happened and in very short period of time.

Like in Antarctica the climate-conditions changed over night.The mammoths (and other wildlife, maybe humans) almost instantly froze to death.

How come? Some speculated that solar flairs caused the extinction and changed earth's climate dramatically. Was this the result of a polar shift? The findings needed a theory and it was a scholar called Hapgood, that delivered a possible answer.

It was accepted theory, first proposed by Wegener, that differnt earth-masses drifted on the earth's core, which was liquid (molten iron). Because of the spinning of the earth and sea-currents these different “plates” push against each-other. At these places earthquakes happen regularly and you find most of our volcanoes on these “vaultlines”. These are potentially danger zones. (f.i. The Ring of Fire, around the Pacific).

Hapgood suggested that big landmasses suddenly could be put into motion. He called it “Earthcrust displacement”. Whole area could slide into another climatic zone. Albert Einstein supported Hapgood, but if this displacement happened, the way Hapgood suggest is uncertain. What causes earthcrust displacement on a giant scale, we don't know (an asteroid impact or the collision with a renegade planet). But despite the uncertainties, Hapgood's theory is added to the list of doomsday scenarios, which are prophesied for the nearby future.

dinsdag 6 november 2012


In 1514 the Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis made a map of the world. He wrote, on the document, that this map was a compilation of about 20 older maps. Some suggested, that these maps dated from the time of Alexander the Great, or even before that period. What makes this map extra special, is the fact, that it shows South-America (the West) in detail, even though this coasts were not yet discovered or mapped. Also Antarctica is represented, but as a landmass, something our scientists discovered in the second half of the 20th century. Modern cartographers studied the map (and others) and concluded, that by designing the map, the Gizeh-plateau was taken as the centre of projection.

In a recently discovered tunnel-system in Equador, excavators found more than 300 artifacts. One of them was a oval bassalt stone, with a small, white granite band, around it. After closer inspection, the archeologists concluded, that it was a map of the world! A kind of sketch, that also depicting an island in the Atlantic Ocean, now gone. Proof for the existance of Atlantis? Europa, the Mediterranean, Asia and Africa can easily be recognized. You may say that the carvings are vague and maybe natural. Definitely no. On two spots the granite is carved out and shining eyes are placed there. One in Ecuador and one on the Gizeh-plateau.

For thousands of years the 3 pyramids (and many other structures) and the famous Sphinx have resisted the sandstorms and the burning sun. Though partially stripped, they still show the architectual mastery of the ancient Egyptians. But there is more.

The pyramids form a star-constellation on earth (Orion), the Great Pyramid is perfectly aligned (North-South, East-West) and its location is exactly in the middle of (European, Asian and African landmasses) our planet. A remarcable location, a center of ley-lines and the earth-grid, but not for a funeral. The Great pyramid supposedly contains a sarcophagus of pharao Chufru (Cheops). But there is no lid and no inscriptions, not on the sarcophacus, nor on the walls. The King's chambre was never used for a burial. Maybe the pyramids were used for regulating the air-traffic (spiritual) and guiding the explorers on the 7 seas.



In the 18th century a tulip-bulb could cost you 6 to 7000 guilders. An amount of money, you could buy a nice house for. This was at the end of a period of speculation and collective greed. The market-value exceeded the intrinsic value of the product many times.

The market collapsed, the bubble exploded and many people did loose a lot of money. The same happened in England, where the stock of railway-companies only seemed to rise. When the railway-stocks crashed, many investors, especially the private one, remained empty handed.

Economy is filled with bubbles. In the last century bio-technology was hot. New companies drew lots of eager investors, who all expected big profits. Everything went well, untill the results were meager and the money went elsewhere.

The Western economy is in crisis, because in 2008 the next bubble exploded; the house- and real estate market collapsed. Speculation and a belief in eternal growth had driven prices through the ceiling. On the other hand houses, appartments and office-buildings became unaffordable for the general public or stayed empty because of the stagnating economy. Banks and investors are in very big trouble, so are private owners. Prices are going down. This means for house-owners, that their mortgage is actual higher, than the market value.

Banks and investors will have to take enormous losses. The property they own is sometimes even worth nothing (a brandnew airport, that is never used). A small Dutch bank is slowly going under, because the estate-division is bankrupt.

But the next bubble is about to burst. It's called: the dot.com-bubble. In recent years dot.com-companies, like Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, Google and many, many more, have made a colossal amount of money, while delivering a “virtual reality”, which experts predict, is losing (economic) ground. While almost everybody is expecting the dot.com-bubble to inflate, the next one is gaining momentum. When you want to make money in the nearby fruture, you have to invest “green”. If you want to keep the money, you have “to leave the building” at the right moment.

maandag 5 november 2012


The New York Stock Echange (owner of rhe Amsterdam SE) has been caught in the act. The act of fraud, bigtime.

What did they do. Traders react when the data, they use, fluctuate. The faster you react, the more you possibly gain (and others loose).

The NYSE offered special clients a view “into the future”. They received the actual data about 4 seconds before regulars traders received them. That does not seem much, but because trading is highly computerized, several hundreds of transactions can be made, with this foreknowledge. This story surfaced about september 2012 and it is only scratching ther surface. Computerized trading, uses algorithms to make choises to sell or buy, and touches all trading, of which 40% is completely automated. Real money-machines. But algorithms are getting increasingly complicated and have a tendency towards chaos. In one case 80% of a company's liquidity, evaporated in a couple of seconds. There is more to come, but it is time to occupy Wallstreet and bring the fraud and the lies into the open. It's not that strange, that bankers and investment-managers earn hundreds of millions. They are payed to cover up this mess.

In Holland there once was a (and is) State Lottery. Sounds safe and they advertized, that a big percentage of the incoming money, payed for by the participants, would be divided among them, by chance. The Management of the State Lottery used a very profitable algorithm. Tickets, who were not sold (sometimes millions) were not taken out, but still could be “a lucky number”. In that case, the owners, the State Lottery, cashed the price. That's not a lottery, but it is pure (State) fraud! It reminds me of a political meeting, where also a lottery was held (socialist and ufological books and pamflets). Not all tickets were sold, the organization had expected much more visitors. The owner of the pub bought the remaining ones and won most of the prices.

zondag 4 november 2012


Houses explode, fighter-jets almost touching the buildings, a city in ruins, in which hundreds of kids and young men, hide. Where are they hiding for? They are hiding for enormous “alien-looking” bulldozers, colossal tanks, armored cars and lots of military and police. When the youth have a chance, they sling stones or even sand at this army, who are destroying their country and future. A 7-year old boy is chased by 5 police-officers and finally caught, arrested and dragged back to a patrol-car. This goes on till dawn. People get hurt and people get shot, every day.

This is just a day in a life in the Gaza-strip (or the Golan-heights, Westbank and Southern Lebanon and even Syria). When evening falls desperados shoot rockets across the border. The streets are filled with people and they carry around green flags . In the central market place thousands of people gather. The air fills with songs of hate, hate against the Jews, hate against the state of Israel. Preachers, teachers and speakers fill the heads of the young with hatred , martyrdom and a brilliant future. People get extatic and as in a trance, start dancing and shouting. They promise their leaders to march to Jerusalem. This ritual is happening almost every evening. During the day-time the young start gathering, which leads to accumulating anger, throwing stones and tanks chasing teenagers down the sandy streets. Both rituals go on for years now. But David does not have a chance against a modern-day Goliath. Slowly, step bij step, the world of the Palestinians is shrinking, the pressure is rising and the local tensions will soon explode. The theological and geo-political indoctrination, on both sides, has lead to a complete standstill in local development (mental). For some youngsters martyrdom is an option, especially if your family will be well looked after. Israel is feeling more and more threatened. They have nuclear bombs and will use them, when they think it is necessary. Netanjahu, the Israelian prime-minister, is warning for Iran's nuclear threat.

Is this threat real? It has all to do with ancient, religious prophesy. For the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims the city of Jerusalem is the most important place on Earth. The Jews are expecting their Messiah in the Holy City, so do the Christians. The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ is predicted to happen in the Area. At the same time, many Muslims are expecting the coming of the Imam Mahdi, the 12th spiritual leader of Islam. His headquarters will be in Jerusalem and he will convert (or destroy) all non-believers and found a global Califathe.

So underlying all the tensions in the Near- and Middle East are prophesies out of the three monotheistic religions. But the Jews have a problem. Before the arrival of the true Messiah (not Jesus), they have to rebuild the Temple of Solomon (for the third time). But from 700 till 1948 Muslims ruled Jerusalem (apart from the Crusades and the Kingdom of Jerusalem) and built “the Dome of the Rock”, the third holiest place in Islam, after Mecca and Medina. Replacing this monument by the “The 3rd Temple”, would possibly start a Third World War. A war, which is prophesied and accept by Catholics and Protestants, as part of the Tribulation-period before the 2nd coming of Christs, asd described in Revelation. All fingers point and all roads lead to Jerusalem.