vrijdag 28 november 2014

SiTU MONKEY MEMO: daily update

Posting items on my blog, does not mean that I agree or support its contends. Sofar I have not found anything that explained “everything”. It is all part of reality constructed by many and influenced by few. Sometimes I find items, which I post to bring something to your attention.

The internet is one big indoctrination and manipulating machine, used by government, science and hidden powers.

Recently I posted two examples of this kind of use.

First: a Buddhist monk has a near-death experience and is introduced to hell. Here he finds his, recently deceased, teacher and even the Buddha. All are there, because they did not belief in Jesus Christ. The young monk converts to christianity.

Near-death experiences are often seen as something “close to the truth”, but in this case the testimony is fake and biased. It is very bad karma, to do things like this. You don't toy with heaven and hell. It will influence your life in a fatal way.

Secondly: the search for the Jersey Devil. This is a case of, high-tech researchers looking for something that does not exist (like Sasquatch, aliens, sea-monsters). But they so strongly believe in the existence of the Jersey Devil, that the monster manifests himself. On camera. The expedition-members react enthousiactly on the images. They see the notorious Devil. Including his wings.

What do I see? Not the winged reptoid, but a deer, fouraging for food.

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