zaterdag 30 juni 2012


You all know the story of Archimedes, the famous Greek mathematician. After taking a bath, he suddenly got out and ran through the streets of Syracuse, shouting: “I found it, I found it!”
What did he find out? When he lowered himself in the bath, he suddenly realized, that the water rose, according to him slowly descending. This was not something at random, like swimming in a river. But it could me measured and this would happen according to a natural law. A low later named after him, which says, that the water level rises according to the volume, that is put in.
But why was Archimedes so ecstatic? He had found the solution to a major controversy in this harbortown in Southern-Italy. Syracuse was Greek and ruled by a couple of powerful families, who appointed a so-called “dictator”. There was a problem at his court. The Dictator had ordered a golden vessel for one of the temples in Syracuse. It was ordered from a famous goldsmith. When the vessel arrived, the dictator became suspicious. He suspected the goldsmith of cheating. Silver was less valuable and he thought that the golden vessel was largely of silver. But how to prove this.
Well, this is where Archimedes got in. Gold was heavier, than silver; so to reach the agreed weight, the volume would increase. So proving that the artist had stolen some gold. The Dictator's intuition proved right, the vessel contained silver. The story does not tell, what happened to the gold-smith. Archimedes was a practical man. His theoretical insights made it possible to develop all kinds of weapons. Syracuse was besieged by the Romans, but the Roman fleet could not approach the city walls. Under the supervision of this genius, in this respect surpassing Leonardo da Vinci., large mirrors were build, that set the sails on fire. Local historians describe cranes, that lifted the enemy ships out of the water.Some say he invented “Greek fire”, a chemical substance, that even burned on water.
But Romans never give up and in the end, Syracuse fell and the legionnaires looted the town. Archimedes was killed during this raid. A young soldier stabbed him. Because he did not want to be disturbed during his calculations.
Just a few notes of Archimedes survived, so it was a sensation, that a complete book surfaced. In a monastery, the monks ran out of parchment. They scraped off an old text (the one of the Greek mathematician) and turned it into a prayer book. Recently pecial X-ray-techniques made the original text visible. Once again his genius had endured time.
Another genius in the “Greek-timeframe” was Heron of Alexandria. He invented a steam engine. He used this power to open and close temple-doors, to move statues and to even make the Gods fly. It is, that he didnot put wheels under it. A railway from Alexandria to Jerusalem would be possible.
In the beginning of the 20th century another “Eureka-moment” took place. A diver near the small island of Antikythera was searching for sponges, when he suddenly surface. He cried out that “the sea-floor is covered with corpses!” The sponge divers had found the wreck of a Roman ship, which sank about 200 AD. The vessel transported stone, marble and bronze statuettes. Looted in Greece and on their way to Rome, to be added to its glory. Fortunately, the expedition went wrong. Apart from the statues, the divers found a block of coral-stone, with strange metallic pieces in side. The stone was kept in the cellars of the museum in Athens for a long time. This artifact was X-rayed in the last century and it became an overnight sensation. Inside the stone a metallic clock like object was found. Later it proofed to be an astronomical device of great ingenuity. Still the question remains: did the Greeks posses the brains and the technology to these seafaring tools and could also be used for calculating the next Olympics. Where there more of them or was this an exception? Was it a legacy of Archimedes or his students. If this was “ common technology ”, we need a completely different look on the seafaring and trading of the Greek.

vrijdag 29 juni 2012


Everything is interconnected. Connections consisting of several layers, dimensions and levels of existence. Every root in a forest is connected. They protect and maintain each other, even on an emotional level. Plants that are worshipped during growth, talked to and treated well (like ganja f.i.), perform excellent. Even the water, the plants use, reflect emotions and even react to music. You can imagine, what happens in a forest (emotionally, spiritual and physical), when the chainsaw-gang arrives. Trees are connected, by means of their height and canopy. Watching life in the treetops, opened up a completely new worlds to botanists and biologists. Completely unknown plants and species of butterflies, frogs and even monkeys, were seen for the first time. Seen from above, by satellite, scientists discovered the diversity and harmony of the trees and plant life. This world is destroyed too, because of our insatiable hunger for wood. This ends up in our houses as souvenirs and decoration.
In Africa certain trees warned each other. When an elephant arrived, that started eating, all the trees changed the chemicals in the leaves. They became less edible. The number of birds do not show you, how “natural” an area is. It's the diversity that counts. All the insects, birds and mammals interact with each other. Is there enough to eat, the number of owls grow, because many mice survive. But butterflies harvest on different flowers and mammals eat different plants. When diversity disappears, decline begins.
That's what happened in “Lake Victoria”. This African lake was famous for its divers and colorful fishes. They were liked by fans of tropical fish, all over the world. This type of fish is completely gone and because this eco-system was unique, probably forever. This eco-disaster is completely man-made. To boost the local fishing-industry, the “nile-perch” was introduced. This alien took completely over. Being a predator, unknown to the “locals”, this was heaven. The perches grew bigger and bigger. Now they are eating each other. But the lake has changed too. All the fish had a well defined place in the eco-system. Some ate plankton, some ate plants, some ate insects. This is Darwin's nightmare. The perches don't do things like that. “Lake Victoria” is a place of death
De herder en de manager

Een herder hoedt zijn kudde schapen op een ver en verlaten veld als
hij een splinternieuwe BMW 645 cabrio in een stofwolk ziet naderen.

De bestuurder, een man elegant gekleed in een pak van Versace,
schoenen van Gucci, een bril van Ray Ban en een stropdas van Yves
Saint Laurent, stopt en leunt uit het raam.

'Als ik jou precies vertel hoeveel schapen jij hebt, krijg ik er dan
eentje van je?',vraagt hij aan de herder.
De herder kijkt de yup aan en zegt: 'Oké,waarom niet'..
De yup trekt onmiddellijk zijn laptop van Dell op schoot en verbindt
deze via bluetooth met zijn mobieltje van KPN .
Hij maakt een gprs verbinding met internet, surft naar een website van
NASA en selecteert een navigatie systeem om zijn exacte positie te
Hij stuurt vervolgens de data naar een andere satelliet van NASA, die
het hele gebied scant en hem een ultra scherpe foto stuurt.

De yup opent Adobe Photoshop en stuurt de foto naar een laboratorium
in Hamburg, dat hem na enkele seconden een E-mail stuurt op zijn Palm
Pilot met de bevestiging dat de foto is bewerkt en opgeslagen.
Via een ODBC connectie maakt hij verbinding met een MS-SQL database en
in een spreadsheet van Excel met honderden ingewikkelde formules laadt
hij alle data via de E-mail van zijn Blackberry.
Na enkele minuten genereert het programma een antwoord van 150
pagina's in kleur en de yup drukt deze af op zijn mini HP laserjet.
Hij kijkt de herder aan en zegt: 'Je hebt exact 1586 schapen'.
'Dat klopt', zegt de herder, je mag dus een schaap uitzoeken'.
De yup stapt uit, zoekt een dier uit en doet hem in zijn achterbak.
Dan zegt de herder: 'Hé, als ik jouw beroep raad, geef je dan mijn dier terug?'
De yup denkt even na en zegt: 'Oké, waarom niet?'
De herder zegt: 'Jij bent een manager '.
'Ongelooflijk', zegt de yup, 'Hoe weet je dat'.
'Dat is niet zo moeilijk', zegt de herder.
'Je verschijnt terwijl niemand daarom gevraagd heeft,
je stelt een vraag waarop niemand zit te wachten en
je wilt betaald worden voor een antwoord dat ik al weet.....
bovendien begrijp je geen flikker van mijn werk,
dus geef me mijn hond terug!'
Geschreven door Situ Harns
zondag 27 maart 2011 09:17

Het moet maar eens afgelopen zijn.”, zei Cees. “Ik sta verdorie driekwart van de maand rood!” “Dat kost je dan een hoop geld.”, knikte Jan, “Zeker een paar tientjes.” “Weet ik.”, Cees gaapte, “Maar wat me bij de bank is overkomen, daar word je ook niet vrolijk van.” “Laten we nog maar een cappuchinootje scoren. Ik wil het verhaal wel horen.” Het was de eerste echte terrasdag en die moest gevierd worden.
Vanaf ons tafeltje hadden we uitzicht op het kruispunt, waarover Anton Wachter, wat bedremmeld uitkeek en dat verder werd gedomineerd door de bank. “Dat is 'm.” Cees wees naar het bankgebouw. “Die oranje tijdbom.” Ik grinnikte.”, “Ja, hoe ze die afschuwelijke gevelversiering door de Welstandscommissie hebben gekregen?” Maar daar gebeuren nog wel vreemdere dingen. De sloop van de Doopsgezinde kerk aan de Zoutsloot bijvoorbeeld of de aanbouw van het Havenmantsje. Ze laten een spoor van vernietiging achter.” “Jan, rustig even.”, Cees tikte op mijn arm, “Ik wil even mijn verhaal over die bank daar, kwijt.” Het helverlichte oranje aquarium leek van deze afstand leeg.
Cees schraapte zijn keel, nam nog een slokje van de cappuchino en boog wat samenzweerderig voorover.
Toen ik binnenkwam, kreeg ik bad vibes. Geen klanten en 4 personeelsleden, die plotseling iets te doen hebben. Ik word uitgenodigd om plaats te nemen op een oranje barkruk.” Cees nam nog een slok koffie. “Alles is daar oranje. De kleding, de muis, de muur.” “Het is ook een chakra-kleur. Misschien bedoelen ze iets spiritueels.”, zei ik lachend. “Flauwekul. Ik snap niet dat zo'n bank winst maakt en bonussen uitdeelt. Moet je horen. Het begint al met een aantal systeemfouten, waardoor de beide heren achter de balie niets kunnen doen. Als we eindelijk in het systeem zitten en ik achterover leun, zegt de medewerker: “Heeft U een huur- of een koophuis.” Ik schrik me dood en kijk hem verbaasd aan. “U weet, dat U korting kunt krijgen op verzekeringen?” Een folder wordt me toegeschoven. Nog steeds ben ik de enige klant, maar daar komt verandering in. Een jongeman treedt binnen en loopt naar de tweede meneer. Het gaat om een adreswijziging. De meneer is echter van de kassa en de tweede klant komt achter mij staan. Opeens is er zelfs een rij!
De gegevens zijn in de computer ingevoerd. “U wilt 2000 rood staan?” Ik schrik me weer rot en leg uit dat het tegenovergestelde het geval is. De formulieren worden uitgeprint en ik denk; klaar is Cees!” “Ja, dat zou je wel denken. Tenslotte is alles geautomatiseerd en ingevoerd. Bankieren is toch hich-tech?”
Cees schudt zijn hoofd. “De formulieren moeten nu met de hand worden ingevuld. Dat duurt weer even, maar dan mag ik mijn handtekening zetten. Mijn doel is bereikt. Dacht ik tenminste.”
Hoe zo,” vraag ik verbaasd. “De meneer achter de balie vertelde me, dat de verwerking nog tien werkdagen duurt. Dus je snapt het.”
Verbaasd keek ik Cees aan. Die zette een zonnebril op en leunde achterover. “Zou jij de cappuchino kunnen afrekenen?”

donderdag 28 juni 2012


Without king David and king Salomon, Judaism and Israel would not exist. This is stated in a NGC -production called:

Judaism; inside the Torah”. Jewish archeologists are, since the birth of Israel after the Second World War, searching for proof. Did these two kings lay the foundation for a Jewish society and the Judaic religious tradition? Commonly accepted, look out for statements like that!, the Exodus took place around 1200 BC. David would have captured Jerusalem around 1000 BC. His son Salomon

built the first Temple and made Jerusalem a place of wonder and worship, with trade routes to Arabia and Africa (the queen of Sheba).

The stories of David are embedded in regional folklore and in the Bible. There is hardly any evidence. David volunteers to fight a Filistine price fighter called Goliath. This was a giant, over 10 feet tall. The scene depicted is an anomaly. Goliath is wearing the armor of a Greek hero of the 7th century BC. The Filistines themselves, arch-enemies of the Hebrews, were probably refugees. After a volcanic eruption, Crete and other Aegean islands, were flooded by a huge tsunami. The Minoan civilization was destroyed and survivors fled to the Holy Land. They were there before the Jews. Both nations were desperately looking and fighting for a new home land.

Excavations for Salomons temple have not been successful. There is no archeological evidence. Jerusalem was habituated, but is was just a small village. No remnants of walls, palaces or the First Temple have been found. Aninscription that referred to “Solomon's temple” proved out to be a fake. This was a elaborate plot to prove the rightfulness of Israel's existence. Of David it is said, that his name is mentioned on a stele of a local king. This kind names his many victories, one of which was over “the House of David”. After the “Solomon-debacle” experts want to do research on this artifact.

There is some good news though. The temple of Solomon has been found. Not in Jerusalem, but in Syria! Recent excavations have unearthed a big temple-complex which many characteristics of the Temple as described in the Bible. Historical after all?

woensdag 27 juni 2012


When I first visited the famous British Museum the
antiques-department stunned me. The Louvre had a huge Egyptian collection, but the British had moved complete city-walls, huge statues and beautiful artwork. The famous “Algin-marbles” were exhibited, they still are, ornaments of the Athenian Parthenon. Greece wants them back (and I think they are right), but the English refuse. They are the heirs and preservers of civilization and they kept and preserved them for centuries. They were even payed for!
So the French ship with the Napoleonic looting of Egypt was not the only one that reached London. Not only the British but also the French,
 the Italians, the Spanish, the Portuguese, the German and even the Belgians accumulated huge amounts of somebody else roots. They will have to go back to the original owners, which will boost national identity in a positive way. Indeed, many things will come to pass.
So archeologist, historians and researches are studying artifacts completely out of context. Many object were lost in the archives, warehouses and attics. Individuals and collectives of grave-robbers smuggled jewelry and small objects out of Greece, Persia or Egypt. There still is a huge black market for antiques and there are enough collectors willing to pay huge amounts of money for golden or silver objects. Many of it is molten down to be turned into coins or bars. The Spanish are responsible for one of the biggest genocide in the history of humankind. In their greed for gold (and souls) the Indian-civilizations in Meso-America were destroyed, their people massacred. Unknown diseases were imported, that decimated the Aztecs, Inca and others. The second generation of conquistadores conquered empty cities. The return fleet was laden with silver and gold (and corn, potatoes, tobacco and cocaine) and some artifacts.
Sometimes an artifact is found and nobody knows, what it is. It does not fit.This is called an anomaly. The famous “Bagdad-battery” is an example, so is the “Antekythera-mechanism”. In this context you have to realize, that everything moves, changes, travels and even gets lost. When an anomaly is found, you have to be extra careful. I'll give you an example. A Dutch amateur-archeologist, named Tjerk Vermaning, found stone-age tools around his home-town in Drenthe, about forty years ago. A huge discussion erupted, that broke several academic reputations. Vermaning thought, that history had to be rewritten.
He was right, but it was not their own.
In the northern part of Holland people lived for millenia on “terpen” natural of artificial hills in the flat landscape. The region was regularly flooded and the “terpen” grew in height. The Dutch managed to gain the upperhand and the sea and the rivers were sealed of and the land became habitable. All the time the “terpen” were used to live on. In the 19th century farmers in the western part of Holland wanted to improve the quality of their land. They used natural fertilizers, but discovered that the old mounds in “Friesland” and “Groningen”, contained extremely fertile soil. Being merchants the Frisian sold the soil and traditional living-areas were dug off and disappeared. The clay in this area was extremely fertile too. So the Frisians sold clay as well. Especially to Drenthe, being sandy and poor. In recent years archeologists discovered that the mounds were of great historical importance. Even Roman artifacts are found.
Tjerk Vermaning was right. The stone-age tools were special and they would rewrite history. The history of the Northern Kingdom of Atlantis.

maandag 25 juni 2012


Today I would like to tell you something about “Gizeh-intelligence.” This intelligence is in fact no intelligence at all, but the power to command natural forces at will. Ra for instance, was the Egyptian Sun-god, who was also worshipped under the name of Amon. These entities reacted to the worship, which was given to them. This is what gave them power. It lead to worship and devotion for their personal assistants in the land of the Nile, the Pharaohs. The names of this god-like entities were used as a kind of Red Bull-drink. The gods and goddesses, the Upper and Lower Kingdom, the pharaohs, the priests and even the people of Egypt flourished. This process resulted in a enormous amount of art, which we now can admire in the museums around the world. The Gods and the ruling class on earth started to feel superior. This superiority led to enormous infiltration of social life by religious mantric customs. The Gods, and goddesses of course; excuse my male programming, projected themselves on earth, by the names the Egyptians used. Ramses was a popular name and it simply means son. Son (moses) of Ra. Tutmoses simply means son of Tut. The Hebrew Moses had a Egyptian name. You have to imagine an Egyptian city, filled with beautiful temples, where priests and priestesses prayed and chanted the names of the deities. People murmur personal prayers and wear amulets and colors that honor them. There is music, fire, dance and sacrifice all to honor your name, day and night! Egypt was a kind of powerhouse, an energy vortex in this part of the world, the Gizeh-plateau; Centre of the world. One of the centers, that drew visitors for as far as Atlantis. That's how tobacco and cocaine ended up inside ancient mummies.
It needed the Persians. The Greeks and the Romans to destroy this organic, holistic and super-productive system. But the deities did not disappear and the descendants of the dynasties survived as well. But the temples were looted and the palaces burned to the ground. Graves and pyramids were plundered and only a few kept the rituals intact. And they had a, hidden, weapon. Language can be used a a carriage, but it can also be used as a weapon. The names of the Egyptian gods made it all the way into the Christian tradition. Osiris was killed by his brother Seth and resurrected on the 21st of December. He had followers and performed miracles and finally became a God. Amon's name is heard all over the world, when Christians finish their prayers, when they say “amen”. When you look in an etymological dictionary, you will read that the experts cannot explain the name Maria, completely. It is hidden. Well it is hidden in plain sight. “Maria” represents the female aspects of the sungod Ra. Allah Akbar.

zondag 24 juni 2012


Does God exist? Is atheism the ultimate conclusion? Is their a creator or not? Was Darwin wrong?
To start with your last question. Yes, Darwin was wrong. He was naive and arrogant and suffered from periods of depression and euphoria. Evolution exist but it is a scientific method. See the evolution of computers and data-processing. It goes for plants, but not completely (See: The magic lily) and most certainly not for animals or humans. This is what Darwin had in mind. He wanted to prove the superiority of the British (the white race, the Empire). In society there also was the principle of the survival of the fittest. If you were on top, you have proven your species as superior. The battle was a continuous one and on a global scale. It manifested itself in a pure form during the Nazi-period. There was no problem in killing people, because they were sub-human and a hinder to the necessary evolution of mankind. Darwin's view shocked religion and the rumor goes that Satan himself, “overshadowed” Charles and personally dictated “The origin of Species”.
Is there A Creator. In the form of one entity, creating our world in 6 days, it's a lie or maybe a metaphor. Creation is a chain of events. Events, we influence ourselves. Like Cesar Millan is showing dog lovers, how their energy influences their dogs; the same goes for human to human contact. Sick people, who know that they are prayed for, recover faster. Meditating yogi's influence the crime-rate and believers flock at Stonehenge, to feel the earth breathing and the spirit flowing. In a way, you are a creator and the more you realise this, the bigger your responsibility. Google “noetic science” if you want to learn more. It's an interesting topic.
Is atheism the ultimate conclusion? Atheism, as: knowing for sure that the monotheistic explanation is false and insufficient. Accepting this, you are blindfolding your self. Religion as a “level of experience” exists. Trance and devotion lead to revelation. So does starvation. Religion and even tradition provides you with answers to questions about life and death. Why is the coffin carried out of the house (sometimes out of the window) feet first. Why did the carriers walk several times around the church. On Bali during a yearly ritual all lights go out and even the airfield is dark an closed. In that night the (evil) spirits fly through the sky and the Balinese don't want to be found. Does atheism have an answer to this?
Does God exist. The God we know of in the Bible? Maybe a force like that exists. But I am afraid there are many more.
Letter to a student (Jian, tcm, SiTU)


AnkerThe Roswell UFO Incident was a report of an object that crashed in the general vicinity of Roswell, New Mexico, in June or July 1947, allegedly an extra-terrestrial spacecraft and its alien occupants. Since the late 1970s the incident has been the subject of intense controversy and of conspiracy theories as to the true nature of the object that crashed. The United States Armed Forces maintains that what was recovered was debris from an experimental high-altitude surveillance balloon belonging to a classified program named "Mogul";[1] however, many UFO proponents maintain that an alien craft was found and its occupants were captured, and that the military then engaged in a cover-up.
Do aliens exist? This question is haunting me since I first read a SF-novel. My first was a story of young Dutch kids, who became believers and were rewarded with a trip around the universe. Still sounds nice to me.
The question about aliens and ufos made a dramatic turn in 1947. Near the town of Roswell, New Mexico, some farmers found strange debris on their lands and they informed the Air Force, at the nearby base. In the world of ufologists and conspiracy, the following press-release is famous. The Air Force stated, that they had recovered the remains of a flying saucer. Ufologists go even further and state, that (dead) aliens were found. The next day a new press-release came. The military had made a mistake. The debris found were the remains of a weather balloon. The controversy started then and is still raging. Evidence and witnesses are still popping up. They all confirm the ufologist point of view: the Roswell-incident was an alien crash and the government are denying the facts and covering it up. In the meantime alien technology is adapted to earthly circumstances. Best known as a so called “Black Project” is Area 51. This testing facility in the Nevada dessert is operational since 1955. It consists of about 30 hangars and buildings and airstrips. Personnel is flown in from Las Vegas and the facility is extremely guarded and tress passers will be shot on sight.
Roswell was NOT an incident. It is a part of a chain of events, which were the result of the testing and exploiting of nuclear weapons. These tests started in 1945 in the Nevada dessert. The first A-bomb dropped on Japan, was flown there by the bomber “Enola Gay”, which was stationed at Roswell, New Mexico. This drew all kinds of attention and the chain reaction has not stopped. Ufo-sightings and alien contacts have become part of the global amusement industry. Our world is changing and some things become visible and active again. Officially unidentified flying objects do not exist. Strangely enough pilots state that they shot at them. Shooting at something that does not exist.


Disorientation in space and time is a natural phenomenon, so is orientation. Disorientation happens when you assume that everything stays mainly the same. Egypt has always been a dessert f.i. or Antarctica has always been covered with ice. This is definitively not the case. Antarctica once was tropical and the Black Sea was a sweet water lake.
When you orient yourself in “time”, you always have to remember, that sea-levels have risen, in the last 20.000 years, by more than 120 meters! This means that our ancestors lived in a completely different world. I could have walked from here to England or to northern Africa.
The Black Sea is a good example of this process. It used to be a sweet water lake on which shores lived people. It would be a nice environment. A nice climate and lots of game and fish. Around 10.000 years ago, a vibrant culture could be found here. They build farms, bigger than our contemporary ones. They were excellent metallurgists and toolmakers and their dead were buried with beautiful golden statuettes and ornaments. But suddenly this changed and by 5000 BC. they vanished. How come?
In recent years oceanographers have searched the waters of the Black Sea. They discovered the remains of buildings and ships. Also older shorelines could be distinguished. Analyzing these data several possibilities surfaced. The shores of the Black Sea-area were flooded about 8 to 5 thousands ago. Salt water of the Mediterranean found a way in and the flooding became unstoppable. Could this be the basis of the stories of the “Great Flood” we find not only in the Bible. The 4000 year old Gilgamesh Epic” from Mesopotamia contains a Flood story. This tells of a Sumerian “Noah” and his rescue from the Flood. A Flood which was too the result of an act of God, Enki this time, who could no longer stand the noise and turmoil produced by mankind.
Flood stories seem universal and that's quite natural. All over the world stories are told over disasters, that are extremely destructive. Survival was a blessing from the Gods. Not only in the Black Sea flooded history is revealed. Near Okinawa (Japan) an underwater structure is found, which seem to be the remnants of a city. A city more than 10.000 years old. The same is true for the famous “City of Lord Krishna”, near the western Indian coast. These finds completely change our view on history and human development. Maybe Paradise did exist and did a worldwide flood, occur. And there is no reason to think that it was the first or the last time. Due to global warming, sea levels may rise even further.

zaterdag 23 juni 2012


You don't understand the story about the “Two Wishes” and its relation with the end of our capitalistic global economy? Well, it's a funny one and it contains a message about addiction. Our economy is based on addiction. Addiction to consumption. The product we use or eat consists of addictive materials. They are in our foods, in our drinks and in the air. And we never get satisfied. That's why we keep moving on, desperately searching to fulfill our greed, lust and all the other “Highways to Hell”. Karl Marx has predicted this. For him the end of slavery would come. It was a law. It was determined. And from that moment on communists and socialist are awaiting this “revolution”. They even tried to emanate this moment in history by taking up the arms against the government. This happened in Tsarist Russia. The army was numerous, but they lacked training, arms and motivation. They were slaughtered at the Eastern Front and the Tsar made a peace treaty with the Austrian-German and Ottoman allies. The disillusioned soldiers started rioting. The Germans saw a great opportunity here. A communist in exile, named Lenin, was transported by train from Switzerland to Russia. He immediately started to organize a revolution, which cost the Tsarist family their life; but also thousands of noblemen, military and clerks were killed and their possessions looted. The immense wealth of Russia was stripped and hidden. The Orthodox Church became marginalized and it lasted till the end of the 20th century, that religious freedoms were regained and the Russian-Orthodox Church is regaining some of its splendor and influence.

There circulate some strange stories around the start of the “Great War”. In the years before 1914 all major countries were participating in an arms race. So was the Ottoman Empire. In England they ordered two battleships to be build. A sign, because Istanbul could have ordered the ships in Germany. But at a given moment the British realized, that they needed the ships themselves. And though they were being payed for, the two ships were confiscated. The Ottomans were furious and Germany made good use of it. They immediately offered to warships (crews included) and the ships steamed towards Istanbul (and the Black Sea). When they arrived in that harbor, they were welcomed enthusiastically by the Ottomans. The ships were renamed, baptized and from that moment they used the Ottoman banner. Still the crew was mostly German and during an expedition on the Black Sea the German commander opened fire on the Russian mainland.

In a reaction Russia declared war on the Ottomans, who, after this proclamation of war allied with Germany against Russia. This bizarre incident, well planned by the Germans, lead to the famous battle at Gallipoli, where the Turcs killed thousands of Australian troops on the beach. The Aussies didn't know why they had to fight or for what purpose. Gallipoli was a major defeat for England and in fact for Winston Churchill. He was the commander-in-chief for that operation.

Yes, they are other stories. So it seams, that the German emperor wanted to stop the preparations to start a war at the Western Front. He phoned his commander-in-chief von Moltke and ordered him to stop the whole operation. Von Moltke”s answer was short, but clear. “Your Majesty, that is impossible. The trains are moving already.”

vrijdag 22 juni 2012


Let me answer your question of the collapse of our capitalistic society, with a story. It's a story about a Frisian nobleman, who had participate in one of the many battles and raids, which worn down the lands. His lord had lost the battle and maybe his life. Our hero had lost his harness, sword and horse. Barely dressed he ran home.
An icy wind chilled him to the bone and continuous rainfall blocked his sight and path. But he knew his way. Back home, which was nothing more than a fortified wooden farm, but which he called a “state”, a castle. The terrain was muddy, wooded and small streams were meandering down the fields. While he was running, he thought about the lost battle and about the senseless of it all. The 7 Frisian homelands had shrunken and what remained was a battlefield, with no solution in sight. It was mainly a struggle between tradition and innovation. But it was a bitter one and it had divided families and friends. His “boss”, the local warlord, fought for liberty and independence so to say, the opponents fought for emancipation through economic development. So far so good.
Our hero was running home and he was making good process. A small stream would not halt him and he was on the edge of jumping over it, when he heard a voice: “Stop, please stop”. Our poor wet knight halted and after clearing his eyes, he saw a small gnome, standing on the other side. He had heard stories about them, but had never seen one before. He walked through the water to the other side, where the creature was standing. He, it was definitively male, was about 45 centimeters tall, dressed in a brown robe, wore a cap and a long grayish beard. With a cracking, almost feminine voice the gnome thanked him. As a reward he said, the knight may do two wishes, which he would fulfill. The exhausted knight thought for a while and said: “I wish me a golden cup, which will always be filled with excellent beer!” Immediately after he had uttered these words a golden cup, was floating before him in the rain and it was filled with beer. Our hero looked around, but this mysterious being was gone. He did not hesitate and he ran further, home, to try out his gift.
Two weeks later our knight sat in his kitchen. He had a headache. The golden cup was a miracle and many friends visited him regularly to party.
Slowly he walked to the door, opened it and saw the gnome, which life he saved, standing before him. “I promised you two wishes and I have fulfilled only one. What is your second wish?” Our hero looked bewildered, thought for a while and said: “This one is fine,
I'll have another one”.

donderdag 21 juni 2012


Zoroaster was the founder of one of oldest, still existing religions or religious movements, on this planet. Recent studies have proven that Zoroaster lived between 1400 – 1200 BC, somewhere in Persia. He divided the world into two opposite forces. Good and evil; darkness or light. The so-called “Copper Scroll”, one of the many scrolls found around Qum'ran. This was a central place of worship and studies for the Essenes, a pre-christian sect, which the Romans slaughtered and driven out of Qum'ran. It seemed that the Essenes sensed that they were doomed (which they thought anyway) and they hid their library in the desert caves. The first scrolls were discovered by shepherds and many more followed. After World War 2 many scrolls, papyri and documents have been found. In total it set historical and religious thinking up side down. A gospel of Thomas was found, a gospel of Mary Magdalene and even a gospel of Judas. Mary Magdalena's gospel consists of a few scratches of parchment, but the message was sensational. It clearly stated, that Jesus kissed Mary on the …. Nobody knows for sure, because rats ate away the rest of the sentence. But I am not so sure about that.
The Copper scroll” is one of the few metallic scrolls or booklets found. It could date from before the birth of Jesus. This scroll contains information about that war, mentioned by Zoroaster. 7 wars would be fought. 6 of them have passed. Three of the wars were won by darkness, three of them by “the light”. We live in the stale-mate before the last, definitive war. For cosmic reasons Zoroaster and the writer of the “Copper Scroll” believed that good will triumph. Many religions are openly praying for the arrival of a leader and spiritual guide. He will do the fighting for us.
I am not so sure about that either.
What major decisive wars do I know of. At school we learned more about the occupation by the Romans, then they did about World War 1 and even, World War 2. In Russia the liberation from the Nazi's is still a driving and inspiring force. But later on I got slightly possessed by this period and especially, what did my family do, my future parents. World War One was a slaughterhouse too. Millions of victims. It toppled 4 empires. The Austrian-Hungarian, Russian, German and Ottoman dynasties were, in Russia four sure, replaced by secular government. This was a definite change of power. Had the good side one? And what happened to the entourage of the royal court and the heirs to the throne. The German Elite did choose for Hitler. Not out of revenge, but they thought that he could win.


Yesterday. Julian Assange dramatically sought refuge in the Embassy of Ecuador in London. Now he has broken his “bail” and will be arrested. He overplayed his hand several times. He will have to hang as an example for all those, who want to expose the world we live in. He underestimated his vulnerability. The law, their law. Justice; their justice. In the Middle Ages a noble man did have to keep his promise towards a farmer. In court royalty always won, in the end.
Julian provoked a system, that is more decadent, destructive and inhuman, than you can imagine. We are cattle to them. Welcome to the reptilian world of power, face and destruction. Knowing and believing, that you are far superior to the life around you. A license to kill at will. Government, like the USA, that they can kill any-one, that forms a threat to the country. Home and abroad.
Julian Assange was framed in Sweden. Due to feminism, there are strict laws against sexual harassment and rape in that country (read Millennium!). Julian was having a big time. He was at the height of his career, though he would rise even more, and slept and had sex with two different women. Everybody was happy, they took him to a private place and had sex. Sex without a condom. I think, everybody still seemed happy. But having sex without a condom is a crime in Sweden. It's rape. The next morning, both women went to police to accuse our hero of raping them. I am sure that there is all kind of evidence, on tape even, and that the women were prostitutes working for the CIA or MI5. Julian will have to pay the price and maybe he is willing to. Everybody will see, that this is just a shadow of our future society.

dinsdag 19 juni 2012


There is a monkey, a chimpensee to be exact, who plays games of memory, for food. The numbers are projected on a screen, so fast, that human beings cannot see them. The monkey does.

Is this intelligence? That depends, for it is all a matter of perspective. We automatically asume,that animals see the world the same way we do. And if they do, do they see it the same way?

A falcon and dogs too, see, what they smell, even in the dark. The mice leave small urine-trails behind, that glow in the dark. A butterfly does not see the same flower we do. They see into the ultra-violet spectrum. A flower shows itself on a different level.

The world we live in is the result of images processed by the brain. We only need a view compared to chimpensees. For them the numbers don't move as fast as they appear to us. Our world in slow-motion. Quarterbacks have that ability too, even if they don't know it. Otherwise, they would not survive. Cave-explorers filmed spear-like objects, that could not be detected by the naked eye. Only by way of extreme slow-motion, these objects became visible. A look into another dimension or in a bigger one

Humans have those same ability and sometimes it appears suddenly in dangerous or stressful situations. People start seeing things and your intuitive powers open up. People tend to act very adequate, when theyend up in a complex or dangerous situation. But don't rely on it, don't rely on your luck or your guardian angels. You only can save your own life and that is beconming more an more unpredictable, catastrophic and lifethreatening. Better stay at home, water your plants and study. I do.

You can train these capabilities. You can learn to sense movement around yuou or to nove extremely fast or to remember thousands playingcards in the presented order. If you have to, you can do it. But don't be careless. You are literally playing with some-ones life and what's more important your own. And we cannot permit to loose a single life. So study and practise while you can. Ignore extremities and choose the middle path (for a while). Drive carefully.

(Letter to a student; Jian, tcm, SiTU)


There has been a lot of discussion about the adding of fluoride to our drinking water. It was good for your teeth and at that moment many “warchildren” grew up without appropiate dental care. The opposition said that this was an attack on the personal liberty of our citizens. How right they were. Perfect teeth were not the main goal. Later studies show that fluoride led to autism. Fluoride, the ideologists said, was a way to dumb down the population, especially the children. Crowd-control big time. These allegations were denied by the government, because the big pharmaceutical companies told them so. Still fkuoride is added to the drinkingwater or the tooth-paste you use. Even fluoride tablets are advised for our little ones.

Prozac is a medicine, used world-wide as an anti-depressant. With enormous success. Prozac became a way of life and it even can be detected in city-waste water. Prozac is fluoride! 94% of your “mothers little helper” is pure fluoride. This illustrates the power of cooperations and the government. But it is impossible to explain things like this or to draw enough attention, because most of your fellow-citizens are richt-out tired or stupid. The ones who understand, have an interest in participating and make profit of the system. That this system is immoral, the world-leaders can not understand. These people drink and they drink a lot (Jeltsin, Bush, my own former boss). Alcohol destroys the frontal lobe of our brain. Here the moral and spiritual development takes place. On brainscans by young gangmembers in the USA it showed, that this area was dark and inactive. This damage cannot be repaired and “the reptilian brain”, will take over. This leads to a topdown world government, ruled by military force. Like the Roman Empire.

Romans made their emperors God, threw the Christians, among many others, as a snack to the lions and were completely ruthless against their enemies. Many emperors were assasinated or poisoned. Nero was forced to commit suicide. When the troops performed badly in battle, the legions were “decimated”. Every tenth soldier would be butchered. Jesus was not the only one crucified by the Romans. He had two companions, but after the revolt of Spartacus, thousands of crosses stood along the Roman Road. Rome ran an empire, that reached from Brittany to Syria. They exploited their empire for their hunger for gold and silver. Later they used the conquered peoples around the “mare Nostrum” as slaves to produce the goods to fulfill the exorbitant lifestile of the Roman Elite. Sounds familiar?

The Roman Empire collapsed and the Visigots sacked Rome. Historians write all kinds about this process.

I will tell you the reason. It was lead-poisoning. The Romans drank a lot of wine and they had the habbit to put lead on the inside of their wine-bottles and “amphora's”. This has a slowly poisoning effect. It lowers the fertility rate, dumbs people down and makes them extremely violent. Especially when they are drinking. Soldiers drink, they drink a lot. Drug-users are known, to over estimate their appearance, intellect and looks. Sounds familiar? Want a glass of water?

zondag 17 juni 2012


Sometimes names change, due to innovation of technology. For a long, long time, names were written down. By monks, priests and clerks. But also by philosophers, story-tellers and historians. But the Gods go by many names and the result was a lot of diffusion, confusion and manipulation. The Industrial revolution got America in its grip and technological innovations flooded the market. An important one, was the invention of the typewriter. It was faster, more uniform and it could ceasy be copied or changed. In the debriefing report about dr. Werner von Braun, the Nazi rocketscientist, one sentence is changed. First the report contained the sentence, that von Braun was “an ardent Nazi”. This was later changet in to “not an ardent Nazi”.This one word made it possible for this ardent Nazi to continue his career in the United States. An with him hundreds of hundreds “not ardent Nazis”.

There are many stories about the development of the typewriter. There is a world-standard now, but how did they put the letters on the proper place? Generally excepted by historians is the “trial and errror”-methid. Running through all the posibilities, so you coud type fluently and without disruptions. Well maybe, but with the first row of letters, it is possible to form the word “TYPEWRITER”.

This made it possible for the salesman to demonstrate, how easy “typing”was.

Of course the type-writer was immidiately recognised by the government as an important tool, to be informed about their citizens. Like in Napoleontic times, clerks went door to door to register your last name (Wurkjindewei!), now it was possible to register itsw citizens and keep in touch of a lot of personal information. But the typewriter was still being developed and they were scarce, had to be imported and distributed across the nation.

I live in “Friesland” and weird things happened here, when the names were registered. The earliest typewriters available, had no letter “y” on their keyboard. The problem is, that the Frisian language does not know the letter “ij”, but uses the letter “y”in stead. Many names in this region contain the letter “y”. So in the 19th century most of the local names changed.“Sybenga” became “Sijbenga” for instance. The Frisians considered this not as an identity-loss. They were brainwashed to believe, that their language, culture and traditions were inferior. Sijbenga sounded more “dutch”. If, by any change, this happened to your first or last name, don't worry! It is possible to regain your classical name, officially. This time you have to pay for it.


A snuff film is a motion picture genre that depicts the actual murder of a person or people, without the aid of special effects, for the express purpose of distribution and entertainment or financial exploitation. The existence of for-profit snuff films is generally considered an urban legend. Some filmed records of executions and murders exist but have not been made or released for commercial purposes. (THIS IS NOT TRUE, ANYMORE, FACES OF DEATH IS A COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION, Master Klaas, SiTU (Wikipedia, 2012)
Boris Arkadin (Jeroen Crabbe) is a horror film maker. His pregnant wife was brutally murdered by a Manson-like gang of hippy psychopaths during the 1960s. He becomes a virtual recluse - until years later he directs his own snuff inspired movies. He invites actors to take part in an audition at his country manor house - blurring the lines of what is real and what is fiction. (Snuff Movie, 2005)
During my travels in Asia, I spend the last days or weeks on the island of Bali. It was there I met a Canadian girl. We talked a lot and being a lot older, she respected me and was interested in my expeditions into this part of the world.
We talked about the existence of snuff-movies, being an example of the extreme degradation and exploitation of women. At that time I didn't dare to tell her the truth. Those tapes exist. At the end of this cosmic cycle entities degenerate and start doing the most ugly things. Demons feed on human emotion and fear. In wartime children and woman are trapped and killed. Tortured in the most extreme way. Mass executions draw a lot of attention from above and killings are seen life on the internet. Horrible things to see and a lot of screaming and blood, when fundamentalist saw off the head of an infidel. What a horrible way to go. Alien abductions are just a cover-up of all kind of weird experiments. In the movie “Man in Black” Will Smith has a tool, by which he can wipe out the memory of witnesses. During an “abduction” something like that happens. Memories are covered by worse ones; memories of pain, loud noise and sexual harassment. But those layers fade in time and especially in a time like this, when everything will be revealed. I hope you can stand this apocalypse. Everybody who has sold his soul to Satan, and making a snuff-movie is, should be careful in the future. Your might have the chance to act in a real one. Satan, then may be an illusion; there are enough, possesed humans, who will.
KLM, our Royal Dutch Airline (sold to Air France) has started a new promotion campaign. You may choose the person sitting next to. Ruud Gullit is participating, a well-known and handsome football- player and a Catwalk Queen, whose name I forgot. Jeroen Krabbe is also a possibility. He can tell you all about snuff-movies. He had the leading part in one of the most recent ones and Jeroen's performance was excellent (2005). Viewer discretion advised and don't try this anywhere.
Jeroen Krabbé
Mostly Credited As: Jeroen Krabbé
Birth Name: Jeroen Aart Krabbé
Date Of Birth: December 05, 1944 (Age 67)
Country Of Birth: Netherlands
Birth Place: Amsterdam
Height: 6' (1.82 m)


When the radiation levels in the destroyed nuclear plant at Fukusjima were measured, they were that high, higher than the emergency plan admitted. Something had to be done anyway, so the emergency plan was adjusted, so people could get in. They did. They did, though they knew what the consequences could be. Did they go in willingly, like the suicide-bombers in World War II. Where they afraid to loose their job. Anyway, they were portrayed as heroes. And they are.

Nevertheless the problems at the Fukusjima-plant are not solved at all. Still the meltdown is not under control and at certain times, accidently, tuns of radio-active water is flushed into the sea. It will get worse. Roger Zelazny, a favorite of mine, writes about the “black road, with its strange creatures”, slowly eating away the human domain. It will be like that. Another no-go area on this planet. Like Tsjernobyl. We all have remnants of that disaster in our blood. This is a no-go area too. Even though there are some people living ther. The radiation levels are still high and there is even a danger of collapse. Radio-active poisoning is a cumulative process. We are on top of the foodchain, so we think. All the pollution, we put in our foodchain (and there is a lot of it) returns back to us.
All attention is focused on bio-fuel and hybrid cars. The mass consumption of meat produces much more greenhouse gasses, than all cars combined. More people die of diseases, related to the meat producing industry, than they do in traffic. The political discussion had gone hybrid as well. They are discussing the number of chickens a farmer can exploit. About a quarter of a million, seems reasonable. There is some collateral damage. Millions of new-born pigs and chickens are killed the moment they set foot on this earth. They end up in a “destructione-machine”.The corpses are sold to owners of cats, snakes or reptiles. This, they call an economic cycle and growth is the motor of this destructionprocess.

I told you, the workld is shrinking, because of our diminishing vocabulary and emotions. But we also are eating away our biomass, our nature and history. Look out of the window. Do you see a beautiful tree? No, but you will see a car and not just one.

vrijdag 15 juni 2012


The Hindu epics tell us of the different stages mankind goes through. In the moment we dwell in the “Kali-yuga”, the dark age. An area in time dominated by scientific methods and explosions. It's the only way we get to know the world we live in and realise our possibilities. The media reflect this perfectly. The Discovery-channel is filled with programs about controlled demolition, air crash investigations and the best tank or machinegun in the world. We research or better rearrange the world by destroying it. The 6 big Media-empires control the channels who transmit educational and informative programs on several terrains: history, nature (especellialy predators), extreme survival, the biggest building, warfare and of course betting and porn. These channels condition us to look at the world in a special way. That it is admirable, that elderly men in old cars rally across Europe, or 12 year old kids drive motorcycles. At least in 65% of the programs something in program explodes or gets killed. So we think that it is the natural way. This is how it works. Kill or be killed. Explode before you explode.
Last night I was watching a documentary about “Monsterfish”.
In a Texan harbourtown a “shark contest” was held. The participants had one week to catch the biggest shark. One of fishermen spotted a big, but very rare shark. After tracking it for 2 days, the animal got hooked. After a battle of more than 5 hours it gave up and just in time, they landed the shark.
They had won the contest. The animal was 20 feet long and weighed 700 pounds. Filled with pride, the crew took pictures next to the slain giant. That's how things go. In Texas, but all over the world. We accept a king who goes elephant shooting in Africa and go to a Chinese restaurant to order sharkfin-soupe.
In the Pacific millions of sharks are caught, have their fins cut of and are thrown back to drown. Big sharks are rare. The Japanese are catching whales for scientific purposes; for about 50 years now. The results are classified. I advise everybody, to watch the documentary “Midway”. And island filled with dead birds, their stomachs filled with plastic objects (lighters) and bags. One things is for sure, after this you cannot say “I did not know”.

donderdag 14 juni 2012


What's in a name? Many and also nothing. That is when you don't understand the different layers, that form a word. The way you spell it, the historical roots, the emotional aura of a word (f.i. Democracy) and so on. Names also have a meaning in the spiritual world. When you know some-one's name, you have power over him or her and certainly over animals and game. Names have a long way to go and they have a local meaning too. My first name means in the local dialect “an adopted child”. When a servant got pregnant by a future hero or leader, a marriage was arranged and the husband was paid for. By a job or to give some-one the chance to hide his homosexuality. Is that why I got that name? But my name is one of the most common ones there is? Kings, emperors, martyrs and popes wore my name! What's the meaning of that.
Words and names can also be used is an anagram or to give a message when read from left to right. I will give you some examples and tools, how to analyse a word or a name. Let's see, what is “inside” the names of ancient and recent names of gods and goddesses. First is the Babylonian fertility goddess “Ishtar”. Her name is still recognizable in the present names “Esther” or “Isa”. The first association is with the Egyptian sungod Ra, also worshipped as “Amon” (yes, Toet-Ankh-Amon) and his name ends a christian prayer. “Star” is obvious, but it gives a link to a tarot-card and is there a reference to the tv-medium Shar?. Etc. And what do you think of “jupiter – reptile?” Strangely enough, Jesus is easily transformed into Zeus, the Greek supreme God. Jesus is also a powerword. When used in extreme situations it may help to keep your enemies at a distance. But there are more words like that. Some may freeze an animal or a person, some can even kill.
But I saved the lives of my dogs several times, by making them stop immediately. I know their names.
Some people read from left to right. What does a muslim read when he sees the word “God”. Is that a joke or something.


In 1994 explorers discovered a cave, which had been used by people, living about 35.000 years ago, during the last ice-age, when most of northern Europe and the Alps were covered with ice. The climate in southern was (and is) much better and nature flourished abundant. Horses, lions, mammut, rhino's and lots of other animals roamed these fertile grounds.

The cave-entrance had been blocked by a landslide and it was not entered for 25.000 years. It turned out to be one of the most beautiful caves ever found. At first it just seemed an ordinary cave, but the first explorers reached an entrance to a sub-cave, marked with ocre-dots. From then on, the cave-walls were beautifully decorated. Groups of horses seem to gallop and rhino's were battling. These paintings were highly expressive and dynamic. The stone walls were used to realise optic illusions and even movement.

The cave is named after its discoverer, monsieur dr. Chauvet, but it is better known as : the cave of the Forgotten Dreams.

Part of being of enormous artistic and cultural importance, the cave gave an insight into the religious beliefs of these ancestors. The cave was littered with skulls and bones of the cave-bear. On big skull of this “gentle, vegetarian giant” was placed on an altar, surrounded with other objects and stones. In time the dripping water had cristalised the skull, frozen in time. The artists, the sjamans and the other visitors to this, important place of worship, used torches. These torches left charcoal on the walls and floor. Carbon-dating indicated, that the material was 26.000 years old. The cave is closed for visitors and only a select group of scientists have entrance. There are plans to build an amusement-parc in the area, with a copy of the cave.

Besides the paintings (sometimes only sketches) whe find dots and especially hand-prints. Scientists have no idea what they mean. They call it “ice-age graffiti”, like “Kilroy was here”. Sometimes the hand is incomplete. I heard explanations like self-mutilation. If that's what you do in a dangerous environment. They had to hunt and their pray was bigger in size and numbers. Cave lions, beautifully drawn in the Chauvet-cave, were dangerous and so were rhino's. You don't handicap yourself by mutilating your body. The explanation is much more simple. Handsigns are the oldest language in the world. It is universal and still be used. You even me offend the police by using handsigns. I don't think handsigns have changed that much. : THE CAVE OF FORGOTTEN DREAMS (WERNER HERZOG)

woensdag 13 juni 2012


So surival-tools is mainly your brain. Of course you have lead a conscious life. You have to take care of your own. Be independent and special. Work on your qualities, but don't over do. Be a generalist. According to the Chinese “horoscope” (it's much more than that) my sign is “the Rat”. It suits me well. I am strong, but I am not a fighter; I can swim, but not across the river; I can climb, but not untill the top. This makes me a survival speciaist. You have to keep your body and your brain (this is much more complicated, than you think) fit. You have to learn to read and use maps, do historical research and sing a song. All of these things will come in handy, when things get hard.

Intuition or the sixth sense is a survivaltool as well. When I am blindfolded, I feel any movement or presence in a range of about 20 feet. With my eyes open, I feel any change or movement for miles. Intuition is a tool you have to practise, because there are always bigger fish, so to say. The reliability of “feelings” are often marginal. In the beginning that is.

They are doing a lot of research on survival. How your body and brain functions under extreme conditions. Remarkable facts were revealed and extreme experiences recorded. It has all related to angels; guardian angels so to say. People told stories of guides and presences which guided them through circumstances. A businessman, who worked on 84th floor of the South Tower, during the 9/11 attack, is convinced, that he was guided by a presence, who guided and stimulated him to get out. He was the last one, who left the tower alive. The same stories are told by deep-sea divers and climbers on Mount Everest. Neuro-scientist have called this phenomenon “the third man” and they even located the area of the brain, responsible for it. In their enthusiasm, they called it a survival-tool! Proclaiming that everybody might encouter his or hers “third man”, when needed. I think guardian angels do exist, but so do their counterparts, this being a world and existence founded on negation and dualities. It's all a matter of balance. But first you have to get to know them and you have treat them like you were “the Alfa”; otherwise they might take over, making you a slave to their ambitions and turn you into a toy. Who is in charge, so to say. Who runs the angels?



In the Western world, we are used to write from left to right. An Arabic muslim writes from right to left and Jews write as the cow plows. This fact monopolises our way of looking and our way of thinking. Also our automative responses are programmed this way. In an crisis situation people act basic. So when you fight a muslim with boxing, you can use that knowledge. I used to wear a watch on my left arm, just to feel te difference and the patterrn of the right hand programming.Muslims read from left to right. “PEPSI” is read by them as “ISPEP” and “NATO” as “OTAN”. Evian is the name of producer of cosmetics. But muslims get the message.

Realising that this kind of upbringing happens from birth, you can predict all kinds of things. Advertising and media-messaging use all kinds of tools, based on the way we perceive our world. People seem to be extremely predictable and cooperations, government and religion are all using this knowledge to manipulate you. And they are doing a good job. Mass disobedience should be expected in a world like ours, but the opposite is true. Except for a couple of war-zones and civil unrest, everything, from a global perspective, is peaceful.

Reading and writing. But what about arithmetic? The decimal system, which is used world wide, has many predecessors, which are completely different from ours. Even today the fact that we divide an hour into 60 minutes, reminds us of the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians. The same goes for calendars.

But the numbers themselves. How do they look from different perspectives. Especially interesting is the number 6. Looked upon from the opposite side, you mistake it for the number nine. Letters also represent numbers. The three last letters of my name has the numerical value 666. This is possibly the most discussed number in the world. John of Patmos wrote this number down in his contribution to the modern Bible, called Revelation. It is the number of “The Beast”, the monster and quarter-master of Satan. Everybody who doesn't has this number on his hand or fore-head, is doomed in the End days.

The Sibyls, Roman witches, who ran an oracle near Naples, wrote their prophecies on oak leaves and threw them out of the cave. Shit happens. Maybe the same happened to John the Divine. Hallucinations are most of the result of drugs and even volcanic gasses. Maybe John mistook his note, when woke up, out of his trance, and read 666 instead of 999. But what about the prophesy, that we must follow the Antichrist and carve this number on our forehead or wrist.

What is most important in our civilised world is Money. This is on our thoughts and mind, most of the time. The same goes for the hand; shop till you drop. And what is the price we pay for our stuff? For our cars, computers, televisions and beauty products? All those things we don't need. Look at the prices: euro 9, 99; 99,99 or 999,99. So far, so good. John was right. In the days of the Apocalypse, mankind will have to pay the price.