If the Judaic-Christian God does exist, would he destroy the world, with all his people on it? Of course he would. He had done so before. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrha and left Lot to tell the story and send us the Flood, killing all, except for Noah and his family. God struck disaster on armies of the enemies and drove the Jews to conquer the Holy Land and finishing off local tribes, that lived their for ages.
This is the power of monotheism and also its doom. Mondern day believers expect to survive even when they are hit by all the disasters, prophesied in the last book of the Holy Bible, “The Revelation of John”. Four horsemen will roam the earth, followed by war, destruction, pestilence and starvation. God's wrath (and purification) comes is 7 waves, out of a book with 7 seals and accompanied by the horns of 7 angels.
What kind a God do we trust, when he is capable of those things. To let everybody suffer, because of collective guilt? Is the fact, that thousands of children are dying because of lack of food, part of God's plan?
The final battle between Good and Evil, as prophesied in the Bible, will happen near the town of Megiddo; Armageddon in biblical terms. Here the armies of the world, under the leadership of the “Antichrist”, will be defeated by Jesus and his supporting forces. The “Antichrist” will be destroyed and a new Jerusalem will, like a giant Ufo, descend from Heaven.
Many Jews, Christians and, even agnostics agree, that this generation is the generation and this specific periode is the time, prophesied in “Revelation”.
When John was writing down these verses, nobody expected that they were more than just metaphors. The words of Jesus about him returning in a time “of wars and rumours of war”, fit very well too, apocalyptic visonaires underline. And the whole scenario is enfolding in the way as prophesied in Jesaja, Jeremia and in the book of “Revelation”. How real, from this perspective, is a battle at Armageddon, called by Napoleon, the best battleground on the whole world.
Without hesitation, one can say, that the whole area around Megiddo is on fire. In Syria a civil war is fought, wich expands into Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, Westbank, Israel, Gaza and Egypt. Hostilities between Gaza and Israel have turned into a real war, both shooting rockets at each-other and Israel preparing to invade Gaza. The involvement of Turkey in the Syrian conflict, means that Nato is involved. British, French and American naval ships patrol the Meditteranean, Red Sea, Persian Gulf and the Indian Oceann.
Russia is supporting Syria and will be on high alert, because Nato still has invasion and a landwar in Syria as an option.
To make things easier, Israel, with Western support, has claimed a right to strike first, when the Iranians succeed in producing a nuclear weapon. A strike on the nuclear facilities will “force” Iran to retaliate and his rockets that can reach Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
In a situation like this, with, at the moment, 15 countries/armies involved, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong (Murphy's Law). Even the tiniest spark, incident or misunderstanding can lead to a war in the Middle East. And like I said, what will happen if a rocket will hit the Temple-mound and destroy the “Dome of the Rock”? At least, the Jews have finally a chance to rebuild their Temple for the third time.

☼ Why The Reptilians Are Terrified Of Humans - David Icke Speaks [Video]
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