HISTORY OF THE END OF THE WORLD: 64 - 68 | ![]() |
Geschreven door Situ Harns |
zondag 07 augustus 2011 13:19 |
64 The domination of the dinosaurs predates that of humans. They too were confronted with natural disasters and cosmic threats. The atmosferic and radiation circumstances were at an optimum. That's why they grew bigger and bigger. Not only their bones, but also their brains. Just think about the “Planet of the Apes” and you will understand. They not only developed a complex, ritualized society. Yes, with bloodsacrifices. Their technology was outstanding and spiritual developments followed. They became masters of overpowering a brain and controlling it, even at a distance. Like a snake paralyzes a mouse. The earth was roughly divided in living- and hunting grounds. Clanlike societies rivalled each other and tribal warfare was a continuous threat for stability. But they liked it that way. Living on the edge. Willing and eager to die. Success in battle could make you famous and allowance to mix with equals. Like every race the dinosaurs stared at the sky and developed a complex astronomical system and calendar. They too saw it coming. Our planetary system was destabilized and hugh cataclysms would occur, which would devastate the Earth, bring us a moon and a new companion in the solar system. Using their know-how, technology and vision the dinosaurs came to the same conclusions a mankind would make in the future. An Elite-group of scientists searched for ways to leave this planet, while others dug deep shelters and filled them with technology, food and ritual artifacts. The majority of the population was kept ignorant or stimulated to ridicule “black prophets”. Like Cassandra in ancient Troj. They were absolutely right and nobody, or just a small minority, believed them. When the moment of their “Armageddon” came near, the Elite, the survivors financed wars, sporting events, festivals and ritual sacrifices to distract the majority, who destined to perish in the coming disaster. This distracted them, while enormous amounts of drugs were made available. Sounds familiar, you might say. The asteroid impact was just the beginning. As predicted most life on Earth was destroyed, while other lifeforms were imported. Now there were two types of dinosaurs. The ones that went underground and those that went out there. They too, knew that it would take a long time, before their homeworld would be habitable again. They made certain choises and disappeared. Most of the excits of the dinosaur-shelters got blocked and buried under miles of stone and mud. The one who made it to the surface, where killed by humans, who saw them as a source of evil. 65 “The following information I obtained during a channeling-session with the Tai SiTU, master librarian and keeper of the Halls of Wisdom, which contains all relevant documents to reconstruct the human knowledge and regaining our position in the complex transitionperiod, our species is subjected to. The secrets of the universe will be revealed to us in the coming millenium. This process draws the attention of other powers in our universe. Which, by the way, is much smaller, than we were learned at school. The organism, we live in, and humans call the milky way, follows certain patterns and cycles. At his moment it is digesting its contents and we are part of it. Earth too is a living organisme and subject to immense powers. Man had no idea, which effects the detonation of hundreds of A-bombs and the tens of thousands of rockets and heavy artillery, which explode daily, result in. Developments destined to last ages, were sped up, resulting in earthqueaks and volcanic eruptions. Because of the noise circling the earth, people don't hear the cry of nature and the elements. If this path is followed, so Tai Situ says, it will lead to almost total selfdestruction. The four horsemen of the Apocalyps are roaming the world already. Tai Situ says that all this has happened before. Doing nothing, will lead us into another cycle of suffering, dominated by alien powers. Tai Situ interrupted me at that moment. He said: “Nothing is alien. You are connected with good and evil forces, and therefore they are part of your world. With the exception perhaps of the Greys. They were dumped into our universe and with a reason. They feed on emotions and conflicts. They have from about 12.000 years ago intervened in the human evolution. Maybe through genetic engineering, but most certainly in boosting the ego's of kings and emperors; wich resulted in the clash, decline and fall of succeeding empires. It is said that Adolf Hitler did not want to negotiate with the Greys. They therefore contacted the USA. In 1953 president Eisenhower had a meeting with the Greys at Wright-Patterson Airforce Base, which resulted in a treaty. The Greys got permission to experiment on the local people, while received in return technology, which gave a great boost to science and the production of consumergoods, like computers, mobile phones or nano-technology. Many retired soldiers and officers later came “out of the closet” and even admitted to have worked with EBE's, extra-terrestial biological entities. The Greys are not benevolent and can be compared with the fallen angels”, so they say.” 66 Plato said, that Atlantis was fact, not fiction. And he was right. Before the great cataclysm, who some name the Flood, which in fact was a giant tsunami, caused by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Some of it was “man-made”, experiments and research by the Atlantean Elite in their search for immortality. In the end Atlantis was a hedonistic society, searching for total domination. The esoteric and spiritual knowledge was marginalized and Atlantis had degenerated in a caste-system with demi-gods at the top. For the ruling elite the caste-system was the perfect way to rule the earth. Everybody knew its place and destiny and the people even worshipped the demi-gods, who controlled them and asked for the ultimate sacrificve. Giving you life for a entity, which only existed in your mind. One must remember, that Plato describes the citadel of Atlantis in detail, this is where the great Temple of Poseidon is situated. The walls were build of red, white and black stones. These colors must remind you of something. Not too long ago these colors dominated the world and and the thoughts of many. Yes, I am talking about NAZI-Germany. They proudly chose these colors for their banners and added an old, Atlantean, symbol to it. The Swastika. Atlantis in the latter and disastrous form, was a fascist society. Hitler, Himmler and other Nazi-big shots stronly believed in Atlantis and the Aryan super-race, which once ruled the world. They were tall, blue eyed and fierce warriors. Heinrich Himmler organised a breeding-program to re-create the Aryan superrace. He started the organization “Lebensborn”. SS-members were used as studs for the unmarried women. Chuldren with Aryan looks were taken from their families and deported to Germany. Polish historians claim, that about 200.000 childred were kidnapped from Poland alone. In the “Heimat” these children were adopted and eventually joined the “Hitlerr-Jugend”. There is nothing idyllic about Atlantis, at least in his latest stage. There is no future for a society who regards most of his members as inferior beings. Some because of their race, some by their gender or sexual preferences. But most of all by their ignorance. We are looked down upon. By aristocrats, politicians, billionaires and economic profiteurs. We have our role to play in preparing a new feudal, caste like global society. This is the heritage of Atlantis as it is used by the global Elite. 67 We are losing. We are losing big time and nobody seems to care. We are losing our freedom. More and more our civil freedoms are taken away from us. You can be body-searched anytime and any place, because we are fighting a war against terrorism. At the same time we are losing our safety. Despite the enormous number of police-officers, life is getting dangerous. Getting intyo a life-threatening situation is possible at any time. The media are pumping this like a mantra into your brain. We are losing our purity. Air, water and soil are getting polluted all the time. Reducing the emission of greenhouse gasses seems to be impossible, cities are overheated places filled with toxic gasses and dubious particles circling around. We are losing the purity of our food. Vegetables are grown not for their taste or their vitamines, but for their durability. In this way Thai salad is for sail in your local grocery. The purity of our waters is damaged every minute. The latest reports state that a mass extinction is emminent. The oceans are dying and plastic waste gathers everywhere, forming deadzones for sealife. We are losing the purity of our soil. Earth is dotted with no-go areas, where human interference led to local disasters. The eternal fires in China's coal-mines, Tsjernobyl or Fukushima. Radiation does not decay and it has a tendency to accumulate and will find it's way into the foodchain. We are losing our forests, the lungs of our planet. The destruction and plunder is going on on a gigantic scale. Canada is bulldozering its permafrost to obtain some oil. Just for profit, an enormous area is turned into a desert. We are losing our solidarity. Being an wealthy country, we lose the feeling to share. Europe and the Netherlands are closing the borders and bordercontrol is reinstated. We are losing connection. Connection with your loved ones, your neighbours and fellow-citizens. We are losing our connection with nature and the environment. We are losing our connection with our history and local culture. Being disconnected this way makes people easy to manipulate and kept in a state of apathy. We are losing our money and our property. Despite pep-talks and info-mercials the economy, the banks and individual countries will crash. The money used for saving banks and countries, will be flushed down the drain; into the abyss; the black hole of debt. We are not free, we are owned. And we don't seem to care. SiTU 68 In Africa a tusked elephant is becoming an exception. In the last 20 years the numbers of elephants who develop tusks is steadily increasing to the point that a tusdked elephant is becoming an exception. Can we consider this as a form of evolution. In the concept of “survival of the fittest” big tusks was a tool of dominance. The bigger the tusks, the better the chance of having off-spring, which would have big tusks, etcetera. But having tusks became a danger for continuation of the species. Tusked elephants were killed by the thousands. Have tusks became a hinder to survive. In an incredible short period the species reacted. Having no tusks was the best way to survive. And so they did. Charles Darwin is the founder of the concept of evolution. During the Beagle-expedition he collected all kinds of artifacts, fossils and specimen, which he studied for the rest of his life. Forced by explorers like Wallace, he published his bestseller “On the origin of species.” I want to ask your for the word “on” in the title of the book. It expresses the uncertainty Darwin had with results of his research. But his hypothesis became a law of nature. It was the ultimate tool to attack the official doctrine of the Roman-Catholic church, who dated the creation of Earth about 4000 bevore Christ, which included the Flood. Darwin's analysis was focused on the development of individual species. To provide an explanation and to give an explanation he needed time. Lots of time. Millions of yaers to explain the diversity in fossils and in real life. This time-scale made research extremely difficult. Especcialy the search for the missing link. The transition between ape and human being. Archeologists are researching in Africa to find it. Recent findings are dating the first human being at about 1 millio0n years ago and named the “Homo Habilis”, because it made and used tools and led a sort of social life. In due time humans developed and evolved into the “Homo Sapiens”. Modern man. In this time-frame humans met fierce competition, expecially by Neanderthal, but were victorious in the end. Neanderthal-man went extinct. But like I said, Darwin and his followers need millions of years, to explain the development. Darwin's view had a colossal impact on religion, society and science. Some say that it was the Devil, who inspired his writings. Darwin was wrong about one thing. That it takes millions of years of development, to explain the species on earth. Sometimes it will only take a generation, or less. |
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