HISTORY OF THE END OF THE WORLD: 47 - 53 | ![]() |
Geschreven door Situ Harns |
donderdag 23 juni 2011 10:02 |
47 “Why do societies collapse? You may not think, that this of great importance to us. If you ask people on the street if our kingdom will collapse, they will answer: no, of course not. States like Somalia collaps and former Jugoslavia has collapsed. In history the Maya-civilization collapses. Some decades after their most ambitious buildingprojects, they left the city and disappeared into the jungle. But historically many societies have collapsed and disappeared. Our country exists for more than 400 years, which makes it one of the respectable European states. But like extinction, the collapse of a society is inevatable. But when will this happen. There exist 5 fields of analysis, on which can be decided, how stable a country is. A kind of stress-test. The human impact of the environment. Climate change; Relation with friendly, neighbouring societies; Relation with hostile, (neighbouring) societies. Political, economical, social and cultural factors.” Master Klaas presented the text on the central screen and was silent for a while, to let them analyze and process the information. He continued his lesson. “Let's project these factors on our own province and we will see, to which conclusions it leads us. First, the impact on the environment. Greenhouse gasses are still emmited, nature is diminished, the sea is exploited in a terrible way and we all want to drive a car. Roads, industrial developments and parkinglots diminshe the traditional landscape. And last but not least, we burn our carbage around the corner. One of the many forms of poluting the water, the sky and the earth. Secondly climate-change. Nobody can ignore it anymore. At this moment the temperatures are rising, which will have an enormous impact on our agriculture. But there is another scenario. North-Western Europe could be confronted with an Ice-age. This too will have an collosal impact on our foodsupply and on the export of agricultural products, on which our local economy thrives. Relation with friendloy states means for instance the economical dependency of our neighbours. For this area tourism is a moneymaker. But the number of tourists can drop dramatically. For all kinds of reasons, as we have after the earthquake and the tsunami in Japan. Openly hostile societies are far away. But the threat of global terrorism has become an important topic, which touches all levels of society. Government is a mess, social structures disappear and our cultural identity ridiculed. I leave the conclusions up to you.” 48 “A deck of cards consists of two colours, red and black, and four types. Two of them are red, hearts and diamonds, the other two are black, spades and clover. Each of the four consists of thirteen cards, with a total of 52 cards. Which is enough. 52 is the life-cycle of the Mayan. At that age, you become an Elder. A new cycle begins, but you can use the same deck. It's personal now and, if you use it properly, the deck grows with your personal development. Every card has a special place, a different function in time/space. A cycle means development, so the cards renew themselve constantly. The two colours have been chosen, quite arbitrarely, but were later programmed into your mind. You think playing cards is fun. It's a game and you can bet on it. But you are playing the devil, so to say. 52 is also the number of weeks in our calendar and is plausible that hearts, diamonds, clover and spades represent the four seasons. So you have a card for every week of the year. You repeat, or it is done for you, this pattern 52 times. I said it before. You are programmed to see a reality in which objects, people and circumstances create certain feelings and emotions. This programming-process starts even before you are born. Red and black are associated with good and bad. Especially hearts, which is connected to love and sexuality. Spring so to say. Spades is connected with death. Sending you an ace of spades was an accepted technique in the Maffia, to announce your death. Let's call this period winter. Clover symbolises trees. Shelter and preparing for bad times. Let's call this autumn. Remains diamons, representing summer and symbolising the sun. If I am correct, your deck is ordened in that way. Hearts, Diamonds, Clover and Spades. If not, do something about it, because our startingpoints must be the same”. Jian laughed inside, when he saw his students opening their brandnew packs of cards and looked at them, as if they saw them for the first time. When the group fell silent again, Jian opened his own deck. It always felt good, to open the deck and touching, or say caressing them for the first time. “Before we can start with our practise, we have to decide about the rules. That is very important and a key-rule, when you are on a mission. I have been in situations, where it saved my life. 13 is an important number in the occult. It goed back to Jesus and his twelve apostles and even before that. You are programmed, to think that 13 is an unlucky number. This is a delusion. In every reality there have to been a “thirteenth”, an element which connected the other twelve. Like the crystal skulls, so they say.” 49 “John of Patmos wrote the last book of the official Bible, called Revalation. Officially is describes the last days of our society, culminating in a final battle of Armageddon. At this place in the Levant, many battles are fought. Even by Napoleon and the area is still fought over. In this final battle for worlddomination the AntiChrist seems to prevail. At the end Jesus and the army of God descends from heaven, destroys evil and lays the foundation for a periode of 1000 years of peace and prosperety. Collateral damage? Billions of people who will be either poisoned, starved to death of killed. The four horses, which announce the final Judgment are riding the earth. Natural disasters, famine, disease, war and violence following their path. The turbulence in the world at the moment are by millions of believers signs that the End is near. This doomsday scenario can also be found in the Mayan-calender, the Kali Yuga, the story of Gilgamesj or the belief in the returning of the Mahdji in Islam. All put together billions of people believe in a coming period of purification and fundamental changes. Natural disasters are part of the scenario and tv-audience are bombarded with horrifying stories of asteroid impact, super-volcanoes, polar shifts and pandemics. And in a way it is all our foault. We polute the atmosphere, the soil and the waters of the world in a way unprecedented in history, except maybe for Atlantis. Apocalypse means unveiling. It will open the curtains. But not in the material world, the curtains are opened in your head, your brain. Inside yourselve. You will see yourselve for the first time. This essentially a individual process. We, as teachers and staff of the Academy, only can feed you and guide you on this path and we can offer you home to rest. This is a process of aeons and can be seen as a first step towards enlightenment and controlled reincarnation.That's why you shouldn't read Revelation as an actual scenario, but you should read it as a guide to prepare for a fysical death and a spiritual survival. The horrifying images don't enfold in front of you eyes, but inside your heads. Drugs are used for that. They represent the material delusions with which you have an poisonous symbiotic relationship. Insight will come, when you practise simple things. Good care for yourself and your place, be kind to animals, birds, the elderly and children. So combine reading Revalation with open eyes with these simple things. You will accumulate positive energy, which you can share with the world. This is basic, this is SiTU. You will get used to it. in a while.” 50 Laura sat on her bed and felt exhausted. The Master had said, that she was in the eye of the hurricane, but it felt quite the opposite. She just had a complete workout in the gym. All was directed on self-defence. She had fought with sticks, not to hurt, but to disarm. It asked for a completely different attitude. Travelling the world she experienced that her training in martial arts in Australia payed of. But here she felt a naive amateur. Some of her partners were good, very good. Her body hurted and she felt bruises apeare on her arms and legs. She lacked speed and it would be quite a while, before she could try to perform, the tricks and blows, she saw tonight. “Think about Starwars. Follow the flow. Everything is movement. Use it. Dance.” The teacher, a young Asian, was the only one, who spoke. When he rose, everybody stood still and watch in awe at his elegant moves. His demonstrations remembered Laura of the South-American Jaguar. Sometimes he changed partners. Laura had met a few, but they all seemed superior to her. She would have to work hard in the coming weeks. She took her waterbottle and drank. It was about ten o'clock in the evening. At this time the place was quiet. She was completely on her own. Even though she had followed some classes that day, enjoyed a simple meal and had had participated in self-defense group, there was only one thing on her mind. It felt as if the card sended songs of calling to her. Before she opened her bag, she performed some meditation and relaxation excercises. Relaxed after a couple of minutes and mentally refreshed she took the card and held it in front of her. The front-side looked blank, but the card seem to move at will. It was as if she was looking into a pool, of which the water had been disturbed. But instead of calming down, the movements got more intense and she thought to hear a sound, like the rolling surf on the beach. It had an direct relaxing effect, but it her mind also got filled with images, she could recognise. At least not as material objects, more like a hallucinatic dream. For the first time in months she felt totally relaxed. Laura closed her eyes. “Don't close your eyes.”, a loud voice said. The spell seemed to be broken. When she looked at the card. The mist had cleared and she saw the Master sitting at his desk. He was holding a card in his hand. “Welcome Laura, to another world of communication. Our cards are tuned now and we have a direct form of communication. Distances don't matter. Let the card guide you, but take care. Using the cards can be very dangerous. You are opening yourselve to another universe.” 51 Laura had an experience as if she stepped into another universe. “You can put the card on your bed, if you want to.” Laura's hesitation was obvious. “Our connection will not be broken.” Laura put the card in front of her. Almost simultaneously a holographic immage appeared in front of her. It seemed is as if she could touch his desk. “This is better, now you can drink a cup of tea, while I will explain you more about the cards, their function and the dangers, that go with it.” Laura assumed a lotus-position and took a deep breath. This moment still had not lost her magick and she felt balanced and open to receive instructions and information. The Master too had put the card on the table. He reached out of her sight for a moment to take a deck of cards. “These are the cards you kept for me. In this way they are connected to you and they will protect you, as far as their power goes. You card is a personal card, to be used for visual communication. At this moment this is a private channel between you and me. The card will record our conversation and store it for later use. But first to have accept your card, wich will turn into personal back-up. During a periode of initiation and testing, you will notice that the card, will present data to you, of which it they are necessary for your progress. You will develop a personal relationship with this card and it's obvious, that you carry it with you, all the time. It may save you life.” “Save my life,” Laura thought.. How dangerous could it get, living and studying far away from the big cities or other hot-spots. “Using the cards or other SiTU-techniques draws the attention of other, darker forces. They are not only interested in the energy you create; they also want to use them for there own purposes. They, too, use cards and want to crush these forms of technology, which date back to Atlantis.” The Master started to shuffle his own cards and the holo-image she saw seem to fade. A couple of flashes accoured and the hologram got stable again. The cards had disappeared, except for one, he held in his hands. “This is my Angelcard. An Angel overlooks your actions and it is a guardian. One of its functions is, that it guards your privacy. Any search-activity, postal sendings an intrusion of your data-system will be recognised and blocked. A message to you will follow. I will now, if you agree.” Laura nodded automatically. “ connect my guardiancard to you. It will create a hellish fire-wall for intruders. And they will come to you. A new kid on the block.” 52 “Plato seemed to have said, that it is easy to believe in Atlantis.” Jian paused for a while. “It is easy, because it is fact, not fiction.” Again Jian paused. This was the introduction course of the Academy about Atlantis. For the first time SiTu has advertised in the local newspapers and about 15 people had reacted. Even were willing to pay money for it. “Adolf Hitler believed in the exisstance of Atlantis. Luftwaffe-planes searched around Greenland and Iceland for signs of the hidden continent. Heinrich Himmler sent searchparties arouind the world to look for survivors of Atlantis. Nazi-researches measured the faces of Tibetans and took masks for further research. Does it proof that Atlantis did exist? No, it does not. Edgar Casey, the eminent American clairvoyant, said in one of his trances, that Atlantis would be discovered in 1968. Exactly in that year the so-called “Bimini-road” was discovered. A mile-long stone structure, that looked exactly like an artificial road. Does this discovery mean, that Atlantis was found, at last. No, it does not. There are many strange things to be discovered underwater. Some, you can better leave alone.” He projected some images of the “Bimini-road”. He did not comment, the images should speak for themselves. “Atlantis was dedicated to Poseidon and was populated by people, who worshipped the gods, loved to build beautiful temples, mansions and monasteries. They lived in harmony with nature and their goals was spiritual development. This went well for a while and Atlantis expended. But the aristocrats and spiritual leaders had forgotten one thing. Their youth. They got tired of immortality, following the flow and reciting mantras in the park. They wanted some action. You must know that mankind had developed all kind of abilities, long forgotten now, accept in the ancient tales. They possessed powers, which literaly were collosal. Used in a possitive way it was a blessing, but used in a negative way it meant total destruction. Sometimes a child destroyed a complete city and rivalling clans fought wars using their ability to fly to attack each other. Atomic bombs destroyed half of India. But the Elders, the aristocrats and bureaucrats did not intervene. This had disastrous consequentes. Ambitious, young Atlanteans performed all kind of experiments. This led to vulcanic eruptions, earthquakes and weatherpatterns. Still, there was no intervention, obsessed as they were with devotion to their gods and spiritual ascension. Still the Atlantean Empire was blooming and the Atlanteans toasted to the future, when a 17-year old whiz-kid created a black hole.” 53 “When you really want to search for Atlantis and maybe even find it, you have to forget, everything you know. It will get a different meaning a different perspective. Our common history and knowledge is completely distorted and artifiicially constructed by the governing Elite, to legitimate their power and governance. Official science is only stimulated to gather data and present them in a way, that fits the officially history of the human race. Yes, Atlantis did exist, it did prosper and it fell apart. Natural disasters just finished off a period a period of decay, decadence and suppression. History repeats itself, over and over again. The official history is a fraud. Man's ascend to civilisation is just part of a global lie. Which in itself is a legacy of Atlantis. Why, because Atlantis chose the way for global domination. They manipulated religions, wars, craft and culture. Not for the benefit of the people, but purely for gain and greed. Atlantis was situated in the North of the Atlantic Ocean, but its ships and crafts covered the world. Always eager to discover. New plants, new animals and new people. All were to get a place in the Museum of Mankind, which the Atlanteans were building in their capital city. But they were merchants as well. By introducing new technologies, they stimulated entire societies to produce jewelry, artifacts and textiles. They were looked after by the Atlantean aristocracy, which were willing to pay enormous sums of money for these products. You always have to remember that water- and sealevels were much lower in those days, before the Flood, so the Atlantean merchants mostly explored rivers and organised expeditions inland. These were the day of adventure and led to many tales, which still are told. About enormous treasure and heroes killing dragons.The locals regarded the Atlanteans as Gods and they were happy when they returned. That's what they always did; promise to return. It was placed and indoctrinated as a beaken of hope in every-one's mind. Even today in the 21st century, this false hope is manifest. Developments which could disturb the balance of power were discouraged or even exterminated. The Atlanteans kept this balance for a long time and the land was lush and green and dotted with statues, while the harbours and cities were places of marvel and wonder. Cities in beautiful colours, gold and precious stones decorating the houses and palaces and delicately shaped temples. Atlantis was only destined for the Atlanteans. People from other places on earth were simply slaves. Happy slaves, that's true. Then decadence krept in.” |
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