dinsdag 20 januari 2015

ISIS throws 'gay' men off tower, stones woman accused of adultery and crucifies 17 young men

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that the latest flurry of public executions came after ISIS suffered a string of recent assassinations.
The ISIS militant group has reportedly carried out a seemingly unprecedented string of public executions - including throwing men accused of being gay off towers, stoning a woman accused of adultery and crucifying at least 17 young men in a 48-hour period.

Disturbing images appeared across ISIS-affiliated social media accounts at the end of last week at an unusually high rate, culminating in the murder of two blindfolded men who were pushed to their deaths from a height towards a watching crowd below.

Images showing the executions began to emerge on Thursday, and were attributed to the "Information Office of the mandate of Nineveh", a city in Iraq. They claim to show ISIS militants carrying out "hudud", the system of fixed punishments for what the group's courts regard as serious crimes.

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