woensdag 13 augustus 2014

Modern man is the result of genetic engineering and selective breeding. Those engineers and herdsmen came from the stars and presented themselves as Gods and Godesses. During there visits they educated the people, by giving the art of writing, how to grow grops, arithmetic, taxation, astrology and the art of melting metal and to produce weapons. They also left their beloved humans with the promise to return and a set of rituals and religious beliefs were implanted, to keep them busy in the mean-time. Then came the global catastrophe we call the Flood; an event that destroyed nature and most of mankind. We are still in a transit-zone. We are rebuilding the fragmented universe and collecting the remains of the gifts of the Gods. And we are still waiting.
Modern man is the result of genetic engineering and selective breeding. There was no need for alien engineers and a superior intelligence from outer space. Man did it on himself!
Before the Flood several great cultures developed and man obtained fascinating capacities; like teleportation (flying), telekinesis and teleportation or manifestations of energy. They also developed deep philosophical and spiritual insights. The Ante-diluvians were artists, philosophers, farmers or teachers at will. They lived longer and the children were educated for 52 years (I cycle of the calendar). These were the Atlanteans, the Lemurians, Hyper-Boreans and others. There was global contact (there was much less water) and that made it possible for the pharaohs to smoke sigars and use cocaine. Everything seemed possible, except giving up power. Over the years these cultures became “enlightened tyrannies”, ruled by the Elders (the real old people), the Elite (the prominent families and militairy leaders), the Spiritual Counsel and the Board of Global Corporate Planning. They worked closely together and together they planned the future of Earth. But their perfect system ran out of control. More and more people wanted something of the wealth and the opportunities. It even grew that desperate, that part of the corruption and private enrichment came into the open.
Then they got lucky. A scientist-astronomer reported that in the nearby future, Earth would be bombarded by icy-comets, fiery stones and cosmic rays. This was the change of a lifetime. The coming catastrophe was kept secret. In the meantime the “1%” used every possibility to survive. They built hughe underground tunnel-complexes in remote areas, that could house tens-of thousands for at least a year or two. In underground computers and archives knowledge was stored and the most outstanding works of art and ancient manuscripts (what the people saw in the museum and exhibitions were replica's.) Except the underground-option, spaceships were built to save some on a colony on the moon or on Mars and the most-daring wanted to go search for a new planet.
The tensions on planet Earth grew higher, though nobody knew the real reason: The coming Apocalypse.
And then it happened and it all was much worse, than the scientists had thought. Mars was hit badly and the exosphere collapsed, the Moon was bombarded with comets, that blocked the underground facilities, the spaceships were swept away by cosmic rays and most space planes got hit and fell back to the ground.
On earth volcanoes and earthquakes destroyed or blocked most of the underground surviving units. You were better of above ground. Despite that, many people drowned, suffocated and went up in flames, so did their beautiful cities. The lush country-side was burned to the ground. Everywhere? Not everywhere. The earth is not a perfect round ball and mountain ranges and deep cracks in the surface, blocked some effects. But many things were destructed beyond repair and much of the know-how was gone.
Things had changed on Earth. Some humans disappeared into deep space, some may still survive on Mars or the Moon. Unable to get out, mankind may have found its way underground. But the cards were shuffled again after the Flood. New leaders appear, with old strategies and tactics, and old results. Earth is on the rim of disaster and what do we do?
We still sit down and wait desperately for the Gods to return, or the Maitreya, Mahdi or Jesus.

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