term “blockbuster” was the name given to a bomb, big enough to
destroy several houses. In the second half of WW2, Germany was
bombed with these monsters day and night.
Slowly the memories
of this disastrous episode faded. “Blockbuster” has a
different meaning now. It”s a very big hit, the world wide
impact of a book, a song or a musical. When a 20-year would read:
“It's rasining blockbusters on Berlin”, he would probably
think of a big cultural manifestation.
old names stick. Still called the department of Defense, they
actually run an attack machine, with global tasks. Some changes
make you think. For almost 200 years my home-land had a department
of Justice. In this epoque it is part of the department of Police
and Justice. Makes you think. I honour the Dalai Lama by writing
his names with capital letters. Lately the journal “Trouw”
prints “dalai lama”. Chinese influence (money)? It's in the
numbers too. Barack Obama's Illinois Zip-code is: 60606.
1994 explorers discovered a cave, which had been used by people,
living about 35.000 years ago, during the last ice-age, when most
of northern Europe and the Alps were covered with ice. The climate
in southern was (and is) much better and nature flourished
abundant. Horses, lions, mammut, rhino's and lots of other animals
roamed these fertile grounds.
cave-entrance had been blocked by a landslide and it was not
entered for 25.000 years. It turned out to be one of the most
beautiful caves ever found. At first it just seemed an ordinary
cave, but the first explorers reached an entrance to a sub-cave,
marked with ocre-dots. From then on, the cave-walls were
beautifully decorated. Groups of horses seem to gallop and rhino's
were battling. These paintings were highly expressive and dynamic.
The stone walls were used to realise optic illusions and even
cave is named after its discoverer, monsieur dr. Chauvet, but it
is better known as : the cave of the Forgotten Dreams.
Part of being of
enormous artistic and cultural importance, the cave gave an
insight into the religious beliefs of these ancestors. The cave
was littered with skulls and bones of the cave-bear. On big skull
of this “gentle, vegetarian giant” was placed on an altar,
surrounded with other objects and stones. In time the dripping
water had cristalised the skull, frozen in time. The artists, the
sjamans and the other visitors to this, important place of
worship, used torches. These torches left charcoal on the walls
and floor. Carbon-dating indicated, that the material was 26.000
years old. The cave is closed for visitors and only a select group
of scientists have entrance. There are plans to build an
amusement-parc in the area, with a copy of the cave.
the paintings (sometimes only sketches) whe find dots and
especially hand-prints. Scientists have no idea what they mean.
They call it “ice-age graffiti”, like “Kilroy was here”.
Sometimes the hand is incomplete. I heard explanations like
self-mutilation. If that's what you do in a dangerous environment.
They had to hunt and their pray was bigger in size and numbers.
Cave lions, beautifully drawn in the Chauvet-cave, were dangerous
and so were rhino's. You don't handicap yourself by mutilating
your body. The explanation is much more simple. Handsigns are the
oldest language in the world. It is universal and still be used.
You even me offend the police by using handsigns. I don't think
handsigns have changed that much.
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