maandag 27 januari 2014


– 2013


US probe
calls for punishment of troops in Quran burning

A US military investigation has recommended disciplinary
action for up to seven troops over their role in the burning
of Qurans at a base in Afghanistan, a US official said

No final decision has been
made yet on the findings of a probe that examined the torching
of Qurans at a US air base in February that sparked deadly
riots, said the official, who spoke on condition of

The investigation called for
administrative punishment but no criminal charges of up to six
Army troops and one member of the Navy, the official told


zaterdag 9 juni

Now Radiating Everyone: Will Impact All Of Humanity



do I see? I'll describe the view from my study. It's quite
idyllic. In front of me an old defensive canal. My present
“hometown” was an important marine and naval port and it
was heavily fortified. Most of it has disappeared, but on my
left. The place, where the canons stood, is still to be seen.
To left is an important sluice, which connects the sea with
the Frisian waterways. Many ships pass by.
my study is a grave-yard, which means big trees. The last
remains of a period, in which Europe was a colossal forest and
a monkey could travel from Moscow to England, without touching
the ground. Which they actually did.

ancient tribal culture forests were used as holy places,
places of gathering and judgment. Not far from here, there
once was a place like that. Dominated by hugh trees, waterways
and a beautiful landscape, full of life.
all gone now. The christian missionaries cut down the holy
trees, to build a (wooden) church on the same place. They knew
the power of those places, but kept it a secret. In
South-America cathedrals have been built on top of pyramids
and they used the ancient stones.
points (like Stonehenge, the Borubudur and Angkor Wat) are
places where energy flows meet. When using the right time and
ritual, mysterious things happen. Energy follows a straight
course, and that is why these so called “ley-lines” are
straight and global. You can test this by connecting the
churches in your neighborhood and see what happens. From “the
Dome”, our oldest church it's easy to connect 5 to 6
churches in a straight line. (officially built in 777, and so
being the oldest christian church in the region. But don't
trust the numbers). 777 is a “power-number”, with many
symbolic (christian) meaning (7 days of Creation). My home
town became officially a city, in the year 1234. This is a
“power-number” too. So I doubt the chronicles. The local
government ignored this important historical fact. Strangely
enough, because they could celebrate the 777 year old city in
are conditioned to follow straight lines. That's how we build
at the moment, that's how we count and that's how we live. On
a collision course. There are other ways, you know. Waterways
for instance. They meander to a single point (SO IT SEEMS).

Vuurwapens oorzaak veel
bosbranden in VS

04-07-12 04:53 uur

© Thinkstock
in het westen van de Verenigde Staten heeft uitgewezen dat ten
minste 21 bosbranden in de staat Utah en ruim 10 in de staat
Idaho zijn veroorzaakt door vuurwapens. Die zouden ook de
oorzaak zijn van verschillende bosbranden in Arizona, Nevada
en New Mexico.
meldt CBS News. Het zou in de regel gaan om sportschutters of
jagers die door onvoorzichtig gedrag brand veroorzaken. Hun
gedrag ligt gevoelig in de VS, waar het recht op het dragen
van vuurwapens is verankerd in de grondwet.

20 juli 2012

gunman kills 12 at Batman movie screening

said the gunman had appeared at the front of the theater
during the movie and released a canister which let out a
hissing sgunfire eruptedound before .

Big Bang in Tunguska - Documentary on the
mysterious 1908 event - Full
Tunguska event, or Tunguska blast or Tunguska explosion, was
an enormously powerful explosion that occurred near the
Podkamennaya Tunguska River in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai,
Russia, at about 7:14

a.m. KRAT (0:14
UT) on June 30 [O.S. June 17,

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