dinsdag 31 juli 2012


When do you call a society a civilization. This term meant living up to human standards. Rules of behavior that distinguished “civilized man”, from the cave-men, nomads and hunter-gatherers.
Civilizations can be found all over the world. Sumeria in Iraq, which had a school system, public services like toilets and hot water. India knew civilizations that fought immense wars, using rockets and even atomic weapons. The Chinese civilization is a story of continuous warfare, before unity was established. We call Sparta a civilization, but its identity was based on warfare. All over the world, a civilization was recognized by its intellectual achievements, like geometry, writing and astronomy. The Sumerians kept records of the celestial movements and were the first civilization to observe an asteroid-impact. Egypt is famous for its art, like many other civilizations, and monuments. We still wonder, how these monuments were built. We tend to make things small. We talk about the Great Pyramid, while referring to an hughe complex of pyramids and temples. Lately underground tunnels were explored, connecting the monuments. These underground systems are definitively older, than the Gizeh-pyramids themselves. Civilization also has a link to human rights. Some kind of judgment must be performed. Especially concerning life and death. Then suddenly the picture changes.
All civilizations used calendars. The Persians did, the Hebrews, the Chinese and the Greek. So did the Maya. A Meso-American “civilization”, that flourished for a thousand years, to disappear around 800 AD. and abandoned their cities and temples.
The Maya knew several calendars. A normal 360 days calendar, a personal calendar of 260 days and a “long-count”-calendar, which had a prophetic character. On 21 December 2012, at 11.11 pm., this calendar ends. Will the world come to an end? But that is not my point. I am talking about the concept of civilization. World-wide, what we call civilizations, were societies based on human and animal sacrifice. Especially the Maya. Human sacrifice was necessary to keep the Gods satisfied and the world going. If these stories are only partly true, thousands of fellow-Indians, were slaughtered and their bodies were thrown down the temple-stairs. The Maya disappeared because they ran out of victims and started to slaughter their own. Warfare is a second form of human sacrifice. It dominated the civilized world for some 4000 years.


What do I see? I'll describe the view from my study. It's quite idyllic. In front of me an old defensive canal. My present “hometown” was an important marine and naval port and it was heavily fortified. Most of it has disappeared, but on my left was the place, where the canons stood, is still to be seen. Further to the left is an important sluice, which connects the sea with the Frisian waterways. Many ships pass by.
Opposite my study is a grave-yard, which means big trees. The last remains of a period, in which Europe was a colossal forest and a squirrel could travel from Moscow to England, without touching the ground. Which they actually did.
In ancient tribal culture forests were used as holy places, places of gathering and judgment. Not far from here, there once was a place like that. Dominated by hugh trees, waterways and a beautiful landscape, full of life.
That's all gone now. The christian missionaries cut down the holy trees, to build a (wooden) church on the same place. They knew the power of those places, but kept it a secret. In South-America cathedrals have been built on top of pyramids and they used the ancient stones.
Power points (like Stonehenge, the Borubudur and Angkor Wat) are places where energy flows meet. When using the right time and ritual, mysterious things happen. Energy follows a straight course, and that is why these so called “ley-lines” are straight and global. You can test this by connecting the churches in your neighborhood and see what happens. From “the Dome”, our oldest church it's easy to connect 5 to 6 churches in a straight line. (officially built in 777, and so being the oldest christian church in the region. But don't trust the numbers). 777 is a “power-number”, with many symbolic (christian) meaning (7 days of Creation). My home town became officially a city, in the year 1234. This is a “power-number” too. So I doubt the chronicles. The local government ignored this important historical fact. Strangely enough, because they could celebrate the 777 year old city in 2011.
We are conditioned to follow straight lines. That's how we build at the moment, that's how we count and that's how we live. On a collision course. There are other ways, you know. Waterway for instance. They meander to a single point (SO IT SEEMS).

maandag 30 juli 2012


Like I said, the anti-terrorist surveillance tactics are here to stay. After the Olympics Big Brother takes its place. Total costs: 0.6 billion dollars. These are official figures, so you can double it. Thousands of military are diploid in the streets, anti-aircraft missiles on civilian roofs and 500 FBI-agents, who join the fun. They are here to stay too.
The security is based on possibilities, not on a real life scenario. It is possible to high jack a commercial plane and fly it into Buckingham Palace. You cannot dispute that, because it happened before. But like I said. The officials and representatives are quite safe, in that respect. Biological warfare and the start of a pandemic are possibilities as well. Civilians, military and civil servants are trained for the future. A future after the collapse and destruction, in which biological warfare is a strategic tool. But this process is going on for centuries. Our food, our beverages, our drinking water and the air we breath, are deliberately poisoned. In the USA an ingredient used in fast-food makes you feel hungry; hungry for more. Fluoride was added to our drinking, because it was better for your teeth. Research has recently shown, that fluoride is a mind-altering drug. It makes you depressive and passive. That's exactly what the government wants.
But your mind is poisoned as well. The proclamation of global unity through sports, while on all continents, people suffer and die. The Olympics are a distraction from the economic and financial collapse, that is showing itself and will result in a global meltdown.
Free yourself from mental slavery; Like Bob Marley said. Look at the games for what they are; the last of this sort of mass manifestations.

zondag 29 juli 2012

king KONG

You think, where is this heading. Well so do I. I could go on for ever and ever, so it is better to stop.
I have created enough fata morgana's and distraction, so I can give my directions more directly. Our network is world-wide now and is the next step to connect with global flow of consciousness, that is in the air. This means more overt action and taking positions. Change comes from deep down and it will change you in that way. Start living in a “survival”-mode. Try to buy local and live simple. RESERVE ONE HOUR A DAY FOR STUDY/MEDITATION.
Start asking questions, write letters and make compliments for a change. Be critical when deluded. Everything is connected and that may seem confusing. Which it is not. You have to level your thoughts and transform them in to data-levels. Statistics cannot be compared to poetry. Try to operate on 4 levels, not on 4 screens. Live cannot be expressed in numbers, without destroying it. We build enormous costly machines (several) manned with dozens of crazy professors, to collide positrons to find the “God-particle”. They now called it “the Higgs Boson for p.r.-reasons (Vatican!). This elusive boson is responsible for our material universe. The strange thing happened, that while researching matter, it seemed to consist of almost nothing. But a wall was massive. The Higgs-boson gives energy mass. What happens hen the succeed, will the predictability in our cosmos slowly disappear. Like the Big Bang, the Higg's boson are just necessary parts of our cosmology. Without it, we would not exist. These are “dead-end streets”. There was no Big Bang, black holes don't exist, the stars are just tendencies to exist and there was a Flood (several to be precise). Mass, space and time will be part of our lives in a different way. Mass, when treated well flourishes. I treat my plants well and feed the birds. Mass: flowers, plants, butterflies, birds and insects start interacting, growing and spreading. This process you can start with only two square feet. Start today and it will be a blessing for you into eternity.
Start communicating (there are many sympathizers, the hour is coming near) and spread this site. There is more to come.
START OPERATION: king KONG (generated by SiTU Brain Ext.)


The Second World War fascinates me. It must have it's origin in a previous life. As a child I wondered, why the Germans never did win. Later on you realize, that the Nazis could have won. During the war certain things happened, which I don't understand from a strategic point of view. For instance “Duinkerken”. The English Army was in retreat, but actually had no way to go. Though small in numbers, it was the battle hardened core of the English Army. Instead of surrounding them and taken them prisoner, the superior Nazi-forces halted and gave the British a chance to escape. Thousands of small ships evacuated most of the troops. They were hardly disturbed, not by guns, submarines or aircraft. In this way Churchill had a basis to build on and prepare for a future invasion. I don't understand, why the Germans invaded Russia, without a similar action by the Japanese. (after Pearl Harbor the Nazis declared war on the United States, with disastrous consequences). Stalin would have to fight on two fronts. Without Japanese action the Soviet dictator could move troops to the Western front. These “Siberian legions” proved decisive at Moscow and the battle of Kursk. This was the turning point of the Eastern Campaign. From that moment on, the Nazis were on the retreat. The decision, made by Hitler personally, to defend Stalingrad, proved disastrous. In the end “Feldmarschall (on the last moment promoted) von Paulus had to surrender and hundreds of thousands of well-trained and highly motivated soldiers and officers went into captivity. Never to return to the “Heimat”. This loss could not be compensated and the Germans knew that. Ernst Udet, decorated flying-ace, killed himself in novemer 1941. Based on the figures and the losses of the Luftwaffe he concluded, that the war could not be won. Germany was not capable of replacing equipment and trained personell.I don't understand, why the Nazis did not use the anti-Soviet sentiments in the Ukraine f.i. Instead of recruiting them, they terrorized them into resistance. Even so, many anti-communists joined the German Army and SS-divisions. After the collapse of the "Reich", surviving volunteers were repatriated to the USSR. Never to be heard from again.

vrijdag 27 juli 2012


It was no coincidence, that the miniseries “The Diplomat” was aired just before the “Grand Opening” of the London Olympics. It's all about a nuclear suit-case bomb to be sold to the terrorists. In the end “the Diplomat” commits suicide by exploding the bomb. Fortunately the helicopter he is in, flies over sea and the wind will blow the particles over the horizon (to Indonesia?). On the internet doomsday scenario's circulate about terrorist attacks, suicide bombers and even dirty bombs being exploded during the Games. Security is extremely tight and London is full of camera's. I don't know what to think about this. I think it will be possible that some kind of terror-act will happen. The world is filled with youngsters, male and female, who are willing to blow themselves up. Our war on terror has forced our “enemies” to organize themselves. And they did. Their intelligence and communication is as sophisticated, as the CIA control Centre. During the Mumbai-attack the suicide-squad had a direct line to the headquarters in Pakistan. There they followed the Indian news channels and CNN. That's how they learned, who were inside. When in doubt, they used the internet to check a name or picture. One of India's billionaires was recognized in this way and the terrorists were ordered to shoot him. And they did. The attackers had mobile phones and used blackberries to find their way in the Taj Mahal-hotel in Mumbai.
I think that the London Olympics is a rehearsal. A rehearsal for the future World Sports Games as global mass entertainment (and manipulation) and a training-exercise; a training to act professionally and adequately when the systems collapse, martial law is declared and we, the people, are welcomed to a brave new world.
THIS IS A WAKE-UP CALL: codename king KONG.


The book of Genesis is about 60 pages long. It starts with the Creation an ends with death of Josef. The Israelites had migrated to Egypt because of the famine, that had struck the Promised Land. Genesis is the first of the books of Moses; the others being Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deutoronomy. Together they form the Torah, the laws of Moses and are most important to the Jews, who call it “the Talmud”. In total (in my bible) 250 pages. The Israelites state that the Old Testament had not been changed from around 400 BC. Every new synagogue needed a handwritten copy and this tradition is kept until this moment. Highly skilled scribes and control mechanisms result in perfect copies. The Islam claims the same purity for the Qur'an. Immediately after the death of the prophet (pbuh), his recitations were written down. This makes the Qur'an, according to Muslim religious teaching, superior to the Bible. Especially the New Testament.
They have a point. The first official content of the Holy Bible was the product of political conspiracy by Constantine the Great. In 323 the bishops of the Christian communities made their choice. Only four gospels were admitted, even though we now know, that many gospels circulated in the early Christian church. The gospel of Simon, Thomas, Maria Magdalene and Judas were dismissed and disappeared into history. But we still don't know, how the New Testament was composed. Emperor Constantine ordered 40 copies of the “new” Bible, but none of those made it. The first official Bible, we know of, is a Codex out of the fifth century.
Moses needed only a few words, to describe the creation of our reality. And even these few sentences have been a much debated issue. And I am far away from the original. My personal bible is a translation of a translation of a … It's not the word of God, but the world of a religious community. To them God created our universe out of nothing. I tend to disagree. I believe that God had material to work with. The empty earth, the darkness and the waters. All these elements needed a spark of light to let the world come into existence. You can call it a Big Bang, if you want to.

donderdag 26 juli 2012


Even though aliens are a global phenomena, crop circles are not. They appear in a relatively small area in the south of England. Local folklore tells stories of devils, who mow the field in one night, the crop circle phenomenon is relatively recent, say 60 years or so.
The first appearances were simple and artistic. But during the years they became more complex. Researchers of this phenomenon assumed, that there was a message being communicated. But who was sending these messages? Immediately interstellar beings and alien intelligence are the first candidates. So everybody is watching the stars, instead of the earth they are standing on.
The area, in which crop circles appear, is holy ground. The whole place is dotted with ancient sites and monuments. Stonehenge of course, Avebury, with its immense circles and avenue. Woodhenge and many burial sites and artificial hills and ditches. Mainstream archeologists believe that ten's of thousands of people visited this sacred grounds. A bronze age ritual of life, death and rebirth. Hughes amounts of pig bones were found. A ritual meal?
These are all child-tales. They appeal to our romantic images, we create about a good life. Of course many ancestors visited Stonehenge, they still do. Of course, there may have been mass pilgrimages and rituals, orgies and festivals. But why?
I think, they came here not to feast, but they came here to show there alliance to the cosmic powers that bind, save and protect. The stones used are placed to block, to distort and to mask. The stones, hills and earth-workes were constructed to hinder the forces of Mother Gaya. Once, during the age of Atlantis, the Salisbury Plains were a place of live, live and rebirth. It was a place to transcend your humanity and experience dimensions and possibilities. And it was completely female enterprise. Man were allowed as visitors, guests and even adepts, they never got any rights of citizenship. Troublemakers were deported and never heard of again. The priestesses worked with light, water, fire and air. Echoes of this period, you find in the story of Kind Arthur.
When the power of Mammon rose and war, destruction and male dominance ruled, the holy places of the area were transformed in stone monuments or artificial mounts. The power of Gaya, the great Goddess was blocked. The world energy-grid interrupted. Until now.

woensdag 25 juli 2012


There is a flow of consciousness circling the planet. More and more people a realizing, where this system is heading. Towards a global catastrophe followed by marshal law and creating a global prison camp, for the workers and paradise for the happy few. It will be worse than “1984”, “Animal Farm” and “Lord of the Flies” combined.
In the same time there is a massive attack on our sanity and moral instincts.Through massive media-campaigns peope are drilled what to wear, what to like, how to amuse themselves and what to buy. On the other hand every one is bombarded by horrible deaths, accidents and destruction. There is a direct link between the Taliban, the Batman-killer and being robbed near the supermarktet.
The “terrorist-craze” in the United States led to huge arm-sales, although the chance to meet a terrorist in the land of the brave was nil. In Dallas a concerned bank-employee bought a gun, to protect his family. He was careless. His three year old sun found the gun and shot himself. Another victim of the “War on terror”. Security is taken absurd forms. A while ago I had to go to court. I was almost strip-searched. Everybody had to pass through a detection portal. Completely ridiculous, because no visitor had the intention to be violent. I make a bet on that. This tendency in society is called “the Mean World Syndrome. This means that we are programmed to perceive the world as extremely dangerous, which it definitively is NOT. The mass effort of politicians, media, intelligence and corporations has no other goal then to frighten you, till you are so scared, that you say yes to everything, even to slavery. So the think.
This the start of the counteroffensive. Take your positions and check your equipment. It's gonna be a hell of a ride.
To stay focused; advised reading: Walden 2 by B.F. Skinner. The New World Order Paradise. By the way, Skinner isolated his child in a box, to observe his developments. Mrs. Skinner made an end to this torture.

zaterdag 21 juli 2012


Sunworship can be found in nursery rhimes and when children play. “Ra, ra, wie heeft de bal, die mooie bal van goud.”, is a song, when I was young. The link is obvious, so it seems. Recent research suggests, that Ra, was a reference to star, not the sun. Maybe this is a link to the planet X.
Planet X (also called Niburu) is supposed to be the tenth planet in our solar system. It does not follow an ordinary, ecliptic and predictable path around the sun. It travels way out into the universe, to return after thousands of years (3600 years to be precise).
Even though official astronomy denies the existence of Niburu (planet of the crossing), many observatories around the planet and satellites are searching for it. Planet X will appear as a second sun. On the internet several pictures of this phenomenon appear. This rogue planet will cause devastation in our solar system. The planet Earth will have to endure many disasters (vulcanic activity, earthquakes and floodings. Nibiru could have been the cause of the Flood as it is written down in Sumerian epics and the Bible.
But it is not only the geophysical turbulence and following chaos, that threatens mankind. Nibiru is inhabited. It the home-planet of the “Annunaki”. These celestial beings were worshipped by the Sumerians (5/400 BC, Mesopotamia). The Annunaki (THOSE WHO FROM HEAVEN CAME) were responsible for the roots of the culture, we know now. They taught the Sumerians writing, agriculture, education and agriculture. They also taught them mathematics and astronomy. Like many other “primitive” civilizations, they were excellent mathematicians (we still use 60 as a basis for measuring time, degrees and architecture) and astronomers. The Annunaki returned to the skies and promised to return (like all over the world Gods depart, make promises to return and leave the believers behind, who in time start doubting these celestial promises.
Niburu is getting closer and the effects are growing and expanding. The Sumerians would interpret this as the approach of their Gods. A coming alien invasion.

woensdag 18 juli 2012

DECEMBER 21, 2012

December 21, 2012. at 11.11 p.m. At Chitzen Itza, Mexico, the earth will align with the centre of our universe, the Milky Way. At that moment the male domination will end and the female side will getc the upper hand. In politics, science, economics and religion.

I favor that. I never understood why politics, the military, economics and religion are 100% male and still could speak and act for all (women, the elderly, the children, our ancestors etc.). And it was accepted, not to be discussed or challenged. I once heard a manager say that it was quite funny: 8 men discussing women underware for next season. Things like that. But instead of mass disobedience, obedience and mental slavery is the rule. For the moment. Everywhere the people are realising how they have been cheated and lied about. Their existence and future is exploding and still they are having to pay the price. The incompetence of the world leaders is a disgrace. They circle around in a global bubble; being important, safe and well looked after. Millions of bureaucrats circle the planet this way. Completely useless and costing billions of euro.

For the Maya and the Hopi indians the above date is very important. They see it as an important shift of consciousness, which will envelope in the next 12.000 years or so. The Age of Aquarius. You can understand, that they want to celebrate this event, perform rituals and mass-ceremonies. The Maya live in Mexico, on the Yucatan peninsula. Strangely enough the Mexican parliament passed a law, which forbid any religious or spiritual event on the 21st december 2012!

It seems that the Vatican heard about the plans of the Maya, to organize a great event at Chitzen Itza. They put pressure on the Mexican government to prevent this. Government is a male province, so the Vatican hade instant support. Still, this won't stop the process of change of which the male/female duality is only an aspect.

dinsdag 17 juli 2012


But let's return to the here and now. It's 6 o'clock in the morning and my view is excellent: no people and no cars, yet. Since I live here, I wanted to change my garden into a little paradise for birds. A fence for protection, some fast growing plants to hide, water and regular feeding. Every morning I welcome some 80 or 90 birds, who come here, from all over town to have breakfast.
I am especially proud about “my” sparrow colony. Officially this seemingly insignificant bird is threatened. There used to be millions, but their numbers are diminishing. By feeding them especially, they survive the winter and their numbers are growing, I count 40 or 50 now, and it's not even August yet. The diversity is limited though: crows and pigeons (3 types).
In the presence of your enemy, you can test and develop your tolerance, the Buddha said. Jesus said to turn the other cheek, when some-one purposely hits you. Nicely said, but we live in days, when you turn your other cheek, they kill you.
I am tested right now. A couple of years ago new neighbors came to live next door. It was trouble from day one. After a while he even physically tried to attack me. When he walkes by (or drives by), he stares at us (the evil eye) as if we were some kind of dirt. That's what we are, in his eyes. He interpreters the fact that I spend most of my time at home, by stereotypes of lazy parasites and being to apathic to work for a living. Never mind. I ignore him, which drives him crazy.
But now he has taken new action by smearing glu on my fence and attaching fishing lines to hinder the birds. I removed the glu, cleared and since then nothing happened. But I am on my “qui-vive”. Gautama was right. This is a test. I have to find a subtle way to defend my birds and our paradise garden. And our dogs of course.


Experts say, that there is a large difference between the games of chess and the game of Go. Both are war games. Chess means killing the opposing king, with all means (and causalities) possible. All parts represent powers, except the queen (remember Troy!), on the battlefield. The game originates from India and we changed the elephants into towers. Go is trying to conquer as much territory as possible, with a minimum of resources (the stones you place on the board. Go is a game of subtle strategy. The famous Chinese warrior Sun Tzu would not have like chess. His way of winning a battle was by means of deception and surprise. He wrote a book about it called “The Art of War” in which he formulates the essentials. He cared for his man, by not putting their lives at stake, unnecessarily. He studies his opponents well and intelligence is a strategic tool. He only attacks when the circumstances are right and the enemy can be deceived and confused. Sun Tzu warned his readers to avoid frontal attacks, to choose the battlefield and never to fight uphill.
During the Vietnam war, the North Vietnamese followed Sun Tzu's rules. They engaged the Us-troops shortly before disappearing into the jungle or into the notorious tunnel system. During the Tet-offensive, that started on December 31,1968, the North-Vietnamese and Vietcong launched a coordinated attack all over South-Vietnam. The Americans were completely taken by surprise. On the other hand, general Westmoreland used chess-tactics. The battle at “Hamburger Hill” is only one example. The North-Vietnamese had occupied a hilltop of little strategic advantage. They had no air force or heavy artillery. Sun Tzu would have ignored them, but Westmoreland chose otherwise. Wave after wave of US-infantery stormed the hill. Many casualties and when they finally reached the top, the enemy had disappeared. After a short while, High Command decided to retreat.

zondag 15 juli 2012


It seems time to introduce us (or myself). I am almost 65 and at the moment I am watching the birds in my garden. Yes, I have a garden. I am married to a beautiful woman, who could have been my daughter. Man envy me and they are right. We live in perfect harmony in an old seaport. I can watch the ships go by and I do. All kinds of ships pass: fishing boats, freighter, bulk carriers, new and traditional sailing ships. Ships have much more identity and power, not because they are big or elegant, but because they have a name. My favorite one is “the LOTUS”, which passes by several times a month.
Ships get baptized with champagne, but sometimes the ship wins and the bottle won't break. Fishing boats, who go after the shrimps, that flourish in the delta, have numbers and the first letters of their home port (f.i. HA 24, means the 24th ships from Harlingen). In the pioneer days of the automobile, the few cars had only numbers. Later on the province was added (B being “Friesland). This “identity” is completely gone now. The only thing you know, is the moment when it is bought. I don't own I car or a mobile phone. I want to slow down and look around. What is happening to my world and what the future will bring.
Horror struck. When we landed here, far away from the turmoil of the big city, airports and motorways, I finally found time to do research and find documentation and data to confirm and broaden my instincts and the knowledge I had, since I was young, that “something was rotten in the state of Denmark” and that the emperor hardly wore any clothes. So I stepped out of the box a long time ago. I worked as a teacher for over 30 years, when something snapped. Some said it was the loss of my mother, some the end of a 13 year relationship or problems at work. All true, but it also was the time of some fundamental experiences. This changed my position completely. I became a rebel and lost. I was 45 then.


I always wondered why “Stairway to Heaven” by the British rockband Led Zeppelin always appears in the top 3, when the radio audiences select their favorites. No I know. It's a demonic song. Jimmy Page was heavy involved in the satanic circles and collected ritualistic items . Aleister Crowley, the most evil man in the universe in the 20th century, is said have to been a specialist in encoding demonic and black magick messages and symbols into songs, poetry and rituals. They appear when played backwards. “Stairway to Heaven” contains praise to Satan and the infamous number “666”. But this analysis goes even further. Barack Obama's slogan. “Yes, we can”, when played backwards sounds like: “Hail you Satan”.
It is one aspect of the global mind-control. Hidden in plain sight, but with extreme consequences. It's the archetype of the superman or superwoman. In the world of black magick and demonic guidance, there are no laws or ethics. The people of the world are inferior to those, who have gained the insight, Mass killing, pestilence and starvation are a tool, to create a world without people. The micro shipped survivors will be ruled by the Elite, the powerful few, that stimulate this “stairway” to heaven.

donderdag 12 juli 2012


The two pictures, that surfaced recently, showing an execution and it's result, resulted in a heavy debate. All forms of denial are uttered. Some hypocrites suggested, that locals were responsible for the killing. They immediately remove the context. On a higher level, everybody accepts it, but you when see your neighbor pulling the trigger to shoot some-one, from behind, in a ditch. Worse even, this whole colonial restoration after World War 2, was planned and executed by the queen, Wilhelmina, entrepreneurs and the military. They should have known better, but they did not. This makes them responsible and if it happened in this century, the people responsible would be put to trial. In “The Hague” of all places. But atrocities don't fade away and they grow, instead of disappearing. The loyalty of some groups, like the Moluccans and the Papua.s, is exploited till this day. The pain is still felt and will grow over the generations. But we neglect this and the government c.s. wants to keep it this way. But like I said before. Everything will be revealed and we will have to deal with it. What is we don't? The result will be an apocalyptic scenario, where millions will starve to death, while other areas will be devastated by earthquakes or flooding. War will break out over tiny islands or minute border-differences. The economy and social security will be shaken. But remember: the world around us, mirrors us. It reacts to our actions, to our emotions and our goals. It also reacts to the ways we try to obtain them. We live in the Kali Yuga; materialistic, rational and mainly acting by way of explosions. Matter and live don't like that. In the Bible, NT, an age of knowledge is prophesied, laying the base for a spiritual quantum-jump. This development we also see with animals. You better not feed your dog, from the tree of knowledge. It may suddenly realize, how we treat their fellow-animals. Your pet may attack you.

woensdag 11 juli 2012


Calls to Destroy Egypt's Great Pyramids Begin
July 10, 2012 - According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt's Great Pyramids--or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi'i, those "symbols of paganism," which Egypt's Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain's "Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs" and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt's new president, Muhammad Morsi, to "destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not."
This is a reference to the Muslim Prophet Muhammad's companion, Amr bin al-As and his Arabian tribesmen, who invaded and conquered Egypt circa 641. Under al-As and subsequent Muslim rule, many Egyptian antiquities were destroyed as relics of infidelity. While most Western academics argue otherwise, according to early Muslim writers, the great Library of Alexandria itself--deemed a repository of pagan knowledge contradicting the Koran--was destroyed under bin al-As's reign and in compliance with Caliph Omar's command.


Islamists destroy 'end-of-the-world' door to ancient Timbuktu mosque

Islamists destroy 'end-of-the-world' door to ancient Timbuktu mosque

July 3, 2012 - Al Qaida-linked Islamists in Timbuktu broke down the door to a 15th century mosque today that locals believed had to stay shut until the end of the world, defying international calls to halt the destruction of holy sites in the Unesco-listed city.

In a third day of attacks on historic and religious landmarks that Unesco has called “wanton destruction”, the Islamists targeted the ancient Sidi Yahya mosque as they tried to erase traces of what they regard as un-Islamic idolatry.

“In legend, it is said that the main gate of Sidi Yahya mosque will not be opened until the last day (of the world),” Alpha Abdoulahi, the town imam, told Reuters by telephone.

dinsdag 10 juli 2012


I told you lately about the Dutch colonial war in Indonesia, shortly after the Japanese surrender in 1945. The Japanese had left a legacy. They stimulated the Indonesian independence movement (and the communists). When the Dutch returned (they even used Japanese soldiers for surveillance), they thought that business could continue as usual, instead the situation exploded right into their face. Like later on in this timeframe the Americans in Vietnam or the French in Vietnam, the Dutch could not distinguish friend from enemy (Taliban!), so they killed every body in sight. On the island of Sulawesi, whole villages were cleansed. They still hate the Dutch in Makassar. Interestingly enough, the authorities apologized to the widows of these war-victims recently.
Every thing will be revealed and “historical conscience” played the next card. On the edge of our kingdom a picture book was discovered (saved, arranged), that contained pictures of this “politional campaign”. Two pictures were significant. On them you could see male Indonesians being executed along side the road. If you forgot about the palm-trees, this picture could have been taken at the Eastern front, 5 years before. Number 2 showed the end result. A ditch full of corpses. It was no surprise to me. I have been on Sulawesi, talked to the people and visited the graves.
More pictures, films and witnesses will surface, showing the war- crimes and genocide.
There is a saying, which perfectly fits the coming timeframe. “If you have to tell the people the truth, you better make them laugh. Otherwise they may kill you. Corrupt bankers and kleptocrats think, that they can just walk away and keep the money they have stolen. A paradise for stalkers.
The Netherlands have a colonial legacy. Much of it is hidden. Now the war crimes surface, but our broken promises to the Mollucans and Papua from the New-Guinea's, the slave-trade and the plantations in Suriname and Indonesia, will be next. Government, Royalty, military and trade went hand in hand. Who does not study and learn from history, is doomed to repeat it (in another life).


It was in those days, that the gods kept their promises. When approached correctly and after much debate, they will try to fulfill your wishes. But you have to be very careful. You have to follow the correct procedure, the right ritual and even the right date, to satisfy them. And even then, they try to trick you. Why, because they think that you are inferior. A toy, if your lucky, but most of the time you are merely a “possibility” in their world. You cannot depend on their timeframe, so you may be dead, before they return, and you have to be very careful about the contract or deal you make with those other powers. Yes, you have to “sign” a contract. Like Faust dod and Bob Dylan. But they don't care about you at all. Maybe if you are pretty and sexually willing or competent. Otherwise it is just a game to them.

In real time gods and godesses (and other entities) speak through channeling, prophesy or trance rituals. In the old days so called oracles existed. Sacred places, where, mostly women, got into trance through drugs and volcanic gasses, They answered the questions, you put before them (and payed for). But I said, you have to be very careful. Once a Greek king went to the oracle at Delphi in Greece. He wanted to attack a neighbouring city-state and he wanted the Oracle to speak about his chances. Should he go to war?

The answer of the oracle was seemingly straightforward. “If he would wage war, a kingdom would fall”. The king intyerpreted this as being in his favor. So he declared war and lost. A kingdom fell, but it was his own. There are a lot of stories about this phenomenon. Satan (or sometimes Death) starts playing a game about you dying (manouvring you into all kinds of dangerous situations, while knowing that you perceive death as an end to things). You cannot escape death. That is the main theme. A gardener in Persia sees “Death” and knows that he is after him. He borrows a horse and hurries to Isfahan, to escape. He arrives in this beautiful place and meets “Death” again. He is amused and tells him that he didn't expect him there. He drove to his own death. Sometimes you get the opportunity to play chess with the devil or he asks you to challenge his possibilities. If he wins, you loose your soul. An advice: if you ever get in a situation like that, remember this.

Ask the devil if he is almighty and if he always knows where he is.

Being eager to please, he will says YES. Then ask him to get lost.

maandag 9 juli 2012


These “letters” I write to you, I call “one-breath”. That's how long it takes to write them down.. It's a form of “warming-up” by association and focusing. I only use “first impressions” and factuals. It's meant to trigger YOU. You have several possibilities inside of you, of which you only use (n)one. This makes you vulnerable, because other parties in your life (government, police, military, intelligence) do. They have all the means to kill anybody by “natural death”, collateral damage in military action, planned epidemics as incident and genocide as the result of “the survival of the fittest”. Darwin's contribution to legitimize the English Empire.But there are more subtle ways to control your citizens and study the enemy.
The US military are using mediums, telepathists and channelers to spy on their own population. So does the police. Most of the time the results of the policy come from a colossal amount of data about our behavior and kooks. Because men is (made) very predictible, it is easy to find anomalies. It's extremely difficult to use an alias, to avoid camera;s, registrationforms and shops. Your footprint is clearly visible. But this is one side of the medal. People who live differently, have other ideas and ideals are immediately recognized, monitored and infiltrated.
The Elite has a great interest in sustaining their privileged position. Education is monopolized and standardized, so is religion. Bankers and the super-rich own the food-chain, the media, the natural parks, the war-industry and the world-economic powers. To make you accept this, they offer you a meager view on the world and reward you for accepting this. Homeopathic medicine is now ruled out in this country. Science shows no evidence for curing effects. Homeopathic medicine works if you live “homeopathic” and these holistic possibilities are completely ignored by science and medicine. But science has other goals. It wants to destroy every other way of handling reality and so we are in the hands of money-greedy C.E.O's, stockholders and money-providers. The same happens in religion. On the one hand church-doctrine tightens, while all kind of cults and sects appear and flourish.

vrijdag 6 juli 2012


Immediately after the defeat of Japan, the Netherlands sent troops to Indonesia. When this tropical paradise (economically, culturally and natural richness (oil, wood, rubber, coffee and tea) was conquered by the Japanese, this occupation ended another one. Since the 17th century the Dutch “owned” the archipelago. The trade on the East Indies, brought huge profits to Amsterdam. Dutch traders owned enormous plantations of exportable goods, while the locals did not have enough to eat and babies died. Collateral damage.
The Dutch occupation by the Nazis and their reign of death and terror had just ended a few months before. In 1945 World War 2 did not end. After a bloody fight for independence the Dutch left Indonesia. With pain in their heart. But they had not realized that the Western countries had lost a lot of “face”. Their position of power brought down by Asians. But did World War 1 end. Yes it officially ended on 11.11 hours. Americans were fighting till the end. And soldiers died till the end. Out of this Great War rose the Soviet Union, but not after a bloody civil war. The Reds again the White, communists against tsarists. This last party was openly supported by the former Allies. Italy became a fascist state and it wanted to restore their influence on the “Mare Romanum”. So they occupied parts of Northern Africa (Libia, oil) and modern-day Ethiopia. Haille Selassie, emperor of Abyssinia, delivered a dramatic speech to the United Nations about the atrocities of the Italian army. In Germany too a new militant state rose, Nazi Germany. Japan attacked Korea and China and were on their way to “Empire”.
In 1939 France and England declared war on Germany, after their march into Poland. Before that the Nazis had brought, without any resistance, Austria and Tsjecho-Slowacia “Heim ins Reich”. It was a silent war for the Allies, but not for Poland. They were attacked by the Russians and the country was simply cut in two.
After this 41/2 years of world wide warfare. Millions of people die. This is the first war where the civilians are target themselves. The atomic bomb brought Japan on its knees, but it did not end the war.
The Dutch fought the Indonesians in New Guinea, the French the Vietnamese and the Belgians fought in the Congo-arrea. The first major clash was Korea, which led to a divided country, that is heading towards extremes (atomic confrontation?) . The same “solution” was used for Vietnam. After years of battle and 60.00 American dead, the US left Saigon. Vietnam was united again. You win some, you loose some, so to say.
To make a long story short war, bombardments, civil strife, peace keeping and terrorist attacks have become a “normal” ingredient” of our day-to-day life.
The “100 year-war” is repeating itself, but with increasing intensity.
It a peace rally a young girl was wearing a sign that said: “I was born after the war and want to stay that way”. Meant was World War 2, but I am inclined to think: “Which War .”

donderdag 5 juli 2012


Think of yourself as whale. In nature this immense mammal travels with a lot of companions. Other whales, baby whales of course, but the whale is followed by all kinds of fish. Some even glue themselves on you and so do mussels and sponges. Some organisms travel inside the whale and come out when needed. Some never come out. This caravan travels the traditional routes for ages and is in essence immortal. This whale-pack communicates between each other and whales sing their songs, which are heard around the globe. Pretty picture, until man started exploiting the seas. Our fellow-country men killed whales by the thousands and earned a lot of money by it. Some-one has to do the dirty work and the Dutch are good at this. The whaling decimated these sea creatures and the caravan routes became silent and empty. But even to this moment Norway, Iceland and Japan are hunting whales. Not for scientific research, not for the meat, but for the “amber”, a unique substance used in cosmetics and regeneration attempts. The Elite cannot do without, so the whaling goes on. The song of the seas it not dead though. Numbers of whales and dolphins are rising. But now a new danger is emerging. In recent years large groups of whales and dolphins swam to a certain death, when they beached themselves. How could this be possible? The routes they follow, though dangerous, are imprinted in their genes. Some scientists, who did autopsies on the corpses, found out that the whales were bleeding from their ears and that the hearing-system was damaged. It looked as if the animals were confronted by an immense underwater blast. Their fingers are pointing to the US Navy. Their submarines are experimenting with new sonar/sonic weapons. Hughes blasts are projected at an enemy sub, with aim to destroy it from the inside. The whales were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Collateral damage so to say. Officially the weapon does not exist, which make these “mass involuntary suicides” a natural mystery.
In the Netherlands thinking in terms of profit, always gets the upper hand. Profit means trade and trade means mobility. There where some natural obstacle. One was the “Zuiderzee”, a big inland part of the North Sea. As ever fear was used. This time for heavy storms and flooding. A enormous dam was build from Holland to Friesland 32 kilometers long and this part of the North Sea was turned into a sweet water lake.
Nobody realized, or thought it important that the engineers had created an ecological disaster. A disaster, that went both ways. The herring could not reach their spawning ground anymore. They literally beached by the millions in the years after the closing of the “Afsluitdijk”. Then they simply disappeared. So did the eel. They had to leave the Netherlands, swim half-way across the Atlantic to lay their eggs. The young fish swim back to the Netherlands. But because of this dike, eels cannot get in or out. Fishermen are desperately seeking for solutions. One suggestion was to import young eel from Madagascar. But they cannot get out either and if they do, they disappear to Africa.


The police has found the missing bodypart in the world-know “porn-murder”. It was the head of a young Chinese student, whose extremities had been send to schools and offices. The killer was, so they say, a porn star from Montreal.
They have something with body parts in that area. In Vancouver several feet were washed ashore. Something or things are sending a message. The porn star fled to Europe and was finaslly arested in Berlin. This was reported from start to finish on tv. This drama of the hopeless was chosen out of thousands of stories from all over the world. One of those stories came from Pakistan.
37 soldiers were kidnapped by the Taliban and later beheaded. Pictures on the internet show these freedom-fighters, holding the heads, triumphantly, in their hands. Why not choose this horrific fact. It demonstrates the live they live in that Muslim country. Filled with violence, sudden death, suicide bombers and modern weaponry. But the Dutch media chose to tell us about the ritualistic murder in a degenerated segment of our world.
You have to realize that a sudden and violent death, confuses your soul, your spiritual entity. Reincarnation cycles and patterns do get mixed up. If you live in an environment, like I do, which ignores and bagatelles death (or the process of dying and afterlife), the actual fact of dying comes as a shock. Yes, you live on in some form or another. The personal or collective results depend on your knowledge and experience with the after-life. You must also realize that your next level of existence attracts certain powers. This is especially true during the never ending chain of wars. Collective sacrifice of human lige attracts a large audience on several levels. Some say that these unseen powers feed on us. On our spiritual energy and even your flesh. I am sure that the Canadian killing was a sacrifice. A ritual killing performed by humans, while being overwhelmed with djinns and evil powers. They are real you know and they are everywhere. They harvest us with help. Help from the initiates and representatives of ancient dynasties. They are what I call the Elite, the 13 families, the Luciferian Illuminati and freemasons or the 1%. This small group owns everything, but they are eager for more. Next they will want your wives and your children. They own us, but they want it formalize. The people of the world have to say “YES”. We have to accept a totalitarian world government as an answer to all our problems.
They interbreed and that is the problem. Slowly the Elite is degenerating. They want to control everything (especially the children) and they know that this is impossible. They know that they cannot prevent the birth of a new Messiah. The old prophesies will come true and the downfall of the Old Ones will commence. They know that he is reborn and they are, filled with desperation and fear, when he/she will present itself.


On the first of July a crop circle appeared near Avebury (UK). The latest in a whole series of amazing patterns. The phenomenon started in the twentieth century and in time, the crop circles developed into amazing pattern and the symbols were complex and universal! Many believe that alien visitors are responsible for the circles and that they desperately trying to communicate with us. Their messages are said to give insight into alien technology and warnings for the imminent changes in our solar systems.
In the first years research into the phenomenon was effectively debunked. A couple of drunken farmers claimed to be responsible for the mystery. It was messaged on National TV on prime time. You could make your own circle with a rope and a stick. Two was enough! If you look at the crop-circles in recent years their ingenuity is immense. Still science ignores it and treats it as local folklore.
Well it's local. Circles are found in the Avebury-Stonehenge area. Here you find a huge amount of megalithic monuments. Everybody “knows” Stonehenge, but Avebury is even bigger. But they are not alone. A wooden counterpart of Stonehenge has been found (Woodhenge), West-Kenneth Longbarrow is a huge burial site, Silbury, an artificial mount and much more. Excavations are still going on, but archeologists are becoming to see the connectedness and interactions. Salisbury Plain was an enormous neolithic temple, where large groups of humans lived and many more visited. Ancient paths connect the monuments and are flanked with ancient stones (the Avenue f.i.).
It was a power-house as well. Important ley-lines cross at the Salisbury plain.
Ley-lines are a manifestation of the energy grid, that is active around us. We as humans have a personal energy grid. It can be activated in many ways, but Kundalini awakening is hot, nowadays. Remember, Kundalini is only a name. One name in many, that help us understand ourselves by understanding the “field” and the “level” your in. Chakra's are a way of organizing and using your individual grid. But there are places around the world, where individuals can connect with the cosmic flow. Stonehenge is one of them. For millennia people visit the Salisbury plain to activate their chakra's and to be part of (new age-)enlightenment). But who are responsible for the crop circles? Aliens? I don't think so. Probably ancient technology is buried here, that is coming to life and starts manifesting themselves. Machines hidden deep underground, to escape from the Flood. Who built the machines? The Atlanteans of course! Atlantis was sort of a global government and was situated in the North. It's center being covered by the “North Sea” at the moment. England, Ireland, Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands fell under the dictatorship of this very earthly Empire.
Frisia”, the area I live, is as close as you can get. At the moment anyway. But Atlantis will rise again and I don't want to miss it. This time.

woensdag 4 juli 2012


Judas Iscariot (Hebrew: יהודה איש־קריות , Yehuda, Yəhûḏāh ʾΚ-qrayyôṯ) was according to the New Testament, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. He is infamously known for his kiss and betrayal of Jesus to the hands of the chief Sanhedrin priests for a ransom of 30 pieces of silver.[1]
Jude was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. He is generally identified with Thaddeus, and is also variously called Jude of James, Jude Thaddaeus, Judas Thaddaeus or Lebbaeus. He is sometimes identified with Jude, "brother of Jesus", but is clearly distinguished from Judas Iscariot, another disciple, the betrayer of Jesus.
St. Irenaeus (play //; Greek: Εἰρηναῖος), (2nd century AD – c. 202) was Bishop of Lugdunum in Gaul, then a part of the Roman Empire (now Lyon, France). He was an early church father and apologist, and his writings were formative in the early development of Christian theology. He was a hearer of Polycarp,[1] who in turn was a disciple of John the Evangelist.________________________________________________
Frieda Nussberger-Tchachos got an important phone call on her way to Kennedy Airport, when she got sensational news. At the end of the last century, she had obtained an ancient manuscript, a codex, written in Koptic (an old Egyptian language) on papyrus-leaves, from an Egyptian antiques dealer. She did not know what she bought, but she payed 300.000 dollar for it. Later on she proclaims, that she was influenced by his spirit. She was guided to bring this to light: THE GOSPEL OF JUDAS!
It was a sensation in biblical and historical circles. Through the ages the name Judas, was associated with the betrayal of Jesus Christ. He started the chain of events by kissing his rabbi on the cheek. The Roman soldiers arrested him and his “path of thorns” began. Judas was payed 30 shekels of silver, but killed himself out of remorse. In Germany it is still forbidden to name your child this way. Among Jesus' apostles there was another Judas (Thaddeus), a letter of whom we find in the New Testament. This codex contained the “Gospel of Judas Iskariot”. Hundreds of pieces were carefully analyzed and placed together. The Gospel consists of 13 pages, used both sides. After a careful reconstruction period scientists concluded that 85% of the Codex was saved.
The Gospel of Judas is a gnostic document. The Gnostics called themselves Christians, but in the eyes of the new Christian Church they were mystics and trouble-makers. In recent years more gnostic and essenic documents have been found (the gospel of Thomas, the gospel of Mary Magdalen a.o.). The Codex was thoroughly researched, about 5 years ago, 2006). Parts of the gospel were used for carbon-dating. The book proved to be 1800 years old and was probably a later copy of a gnostic, original, document. The Koptic writing and language proved authentic and this ruled out falsification. A dream team of experts was formed and they revealed the message of the Gospel. It gives us a completely different view of the role of Judas. He is portrayed here as the best student and most promising apostle. Jesus remarks that he is the only one that understands him. During the last days in Jerusalem, Jesus talks in private with Judas. In short: he asks Judas to betray him. This is the way he can leave the mortal body, he is “using”. Jesus shows him heaven and the future role and influence of Jesus. He has to die. Reluctantly Judas agrees and this gives Jesus the possibility to announce the betrayal (an his oncoming death) to the apostles. The gospel of Judas does not give us any details of the trial, the crucifiction or the resurrection.
Historians knew that the gospel of Judas existed. It was quite popular in first decades of Christianity. Many books existed and there was no official Bible, yet. Bishop Ireaneaus of Lyon (180 AD) wanted to purify the religious books and pamphlets of his days. He wanted to exterminate all Jewish and heretical influences. He skipped the complete Old Testament. He also condemned “the Gospel of Judas” and with effect. All copies disappeared and this gnostic text disappeared into history. Until 1978, when an Egyptian treasure-seeker found a stone box, that contained the crumbling manuscript. Presently the Codex is in the possession of the Maceanas Fund (USA).

zondag 1 juli 2012


The Georgia Guidestones is a large granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. A message comprising ten guides is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages' scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs.
AnkerAnker The structure is sometimes referred to as an "American Stonehenge."[1] The monument is 19 feet 3 inches (5.87 m) tall, made from six granite slabs weighing more than 240,000 pounds (110,000 kg) in all.[2] One slab stands in the center, with four arranged around it. A capstone lies on top of the five slabs, which are astronomically aligned. An additional stone tablet, which is set in the ground a short distance to the west of the structure, provides some notes on the history and purpose of the GuidestONES
Called “the American Stonehenge” and “the Tombstone of Humanity”, the Geogia Guidestones have been controversial from the beginning. Not because of the celestial alignments or the languages used (hieroglyphs f.i.) but of the first commandment, chiseled out in the granite. Humanity should consist of no more than 500 million beings. A maximum number to be in complete harmony with nature and the planet. Conspiracy theorists proclaim, that this means the coming extinction of huge parts of the global population. Who were behind the “Georgia-stones?
The man who ordered the monument to be build and payed for it, was called R.C. Christian. Definitely an alias. The director of the construction company and the bank director were sworn to secrecy. Yoko Ono was a supporter of the message on the stones. I suggest you read them, for a change.
Due to apocalyptic vibrations many more see the message as a prophesy. Disasters could strike, World War 3 is being prepared and a global food crisis is imminent. The Georgia Guide Stones are man made, but so is our future. If developments like climate-change run out of hand, we are programmed to ignore it. If children are starving in some countries and are poisoned in another country, we are programmed to ignore. The number of children suffering from immune-diseases is rising and lots of them are “on dope” all the time. But we are programmed to ignore it. It's time to start reconnecting the dots and use our powers to stimulate change. A change from within.